This Electronics project describes the use of piezoelectric polymers in order to harvest energy from people walking and the fabrication of a shoe capable of generating and accumulating the energy. As low power and wearable electronic devices are more and more present in our everyday life, there is a growing need for the delivery of power to different points of the human body. An interesting application is a posture monitoring system of the human body presented by Silva. The posture monitoring system is composed of five sensing modules, i.e., two located on upper members, two on lower members, and one on the spine.

The detection algorithm uses the gravitational force to detect inclination and the earth magnetic field to measure the rotation of the body about the axis perpendicular to the gravity field. The total energy consumption of the suit is near 20 J per operating hour. The delivery of power to different points of the human body can be performed by batteries and wires, which incentivizes the development of more efficient, light, and long-lasting batteries. It can also stimulate the research in the field of energy generation, in order to produce energy close to the point in which it will be used. In this case, energy storage might not be necessary at all. As power requirements of most modern 

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