AG 9211 Engineering Geology Syllabus download for Civil Engineering

AG 9211      ENGINEERING GEOLOGY                             L  T   P   C
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At the end of this course the student shall be able to understand about geological formations,
classification and morphology of rocks, and the importance of the study of geology for civil
engineers with regard to founding structures like dams, bridges, buildings, etc. The student
shall also be able to appreciate the importance of geological formation in causing earthquakes
and land slides.

UNIT I   PHYSICAL GEOLOGY                                               9
Geology in civil engineering – branches of geology – structure of earth and its composition –
weathering of rocks    landforms and processes associated with river, wind and sea 
relevance to civil engineering.

UNIT II  MINEROLOGY                                      9
Physical properties of minerals. Study of the following rock forming minerals – Quartz group,
Feldspar group, Pyroxene group, Amphibole and Mica group, Calcite Gypsum and Clay

UNIT III  PETROLOGY                                                  9

Classification of rocks, distinction between Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. 
Engineering properties of rocks. Description, occurrence, engineering properties, distribution
and uses of : Granite, Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro, Dolerite, Basalt, Sandstone, Limestone,
Laterite, Shale, Conglomerate, Breccia, Quartzite, Marble, Slate, Gneiss and Schist.
Geological maps – attitude of beds, study of structures - folds, faults and joints – relevance to
civil engineering. Plate tectonics    Earthquakes    seismic zones in India. Geophysical
methods    Seismic and electrical methods for subsurface investigations    prospecting for

UNIT V GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION                                            9
Remote sensing for civil engineering applications; Geological conditions necessary for design
and construction of Dams and Reservoirs, Tunnels, Buildings and Road cuttings. Investigation
of Landslides, causes and mitigation.

1.  N. Chenna Kesavulu. Textbook of Engineering Geology, Macmillan India Ltd., 2007.
2. Venkat Reddy. Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers, D.Oxford & IBH, 1993.
3. Parbin Singh. A Text book of Engineering and General Geology, Katson publishing house,
Ludhiana, 1993.

1.  Blyth F.G.H and M. H de Freitas, Geology for Engineers, Edward Arnold, London, 1984.
2. F.G.Bell. Fundamentals of Engineering Geology, B.S Publications, Hyderabad., 2005.

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