IT2352 & Cryptography & network Security important questions

Important 16 Marks Questions In IT2352 & Cryptography & network Security

  1.      Explain in detail about any four substitution techniques
  2.      Explain in detail about OSI Security Architecture?
  3.      Explain playfair cipher & vernam cipher in detail?
  4.      Explain briefly about data encryption standard & types of attacks on double & TripleDES
  5.      Discuss in detail RSA algorithm, highlighting its computational aspect and security.
  6.       Perform decryption and encryption using RSA algorithm with p = 3 q = 11 e = 7 and M = 5.
  7.      How discrete logarithm is evaluated for a number? What is the role of discrete logarithms in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange in exchanging the secret key among two users?
  8.      Describe the MD5 message digest algorithm with necessary block diagram
  9.      Explain the operational description of S / MIME
  10.      Explain in detail operation of Transport layer security in detail
  11.      Explain in detail about IP Security with neat diagram
  12.      Explain in detail about Malicious Software
  13.      Write short notes on Intrusion detection
  14.      Explain in detail about Password Management

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