CS2255 DataBase Management Systems question paper download

 B.E. / B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL / MAY 2010Fourth Semester
Computer Science and EngineeringCS2255 - DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
(Common to Information Technology)(Regulation 2008)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 MarksAnswer ALL Questions
PART A - (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Explain the basic structure of a relational database with an example. 

2. What are the functions of a DBA? 
3. Give the usage of the rename operation with an example.
 4. What do you mean by weak entity set? 
5. What is normalization?
 6. Write a note on functional dependencies. 
7. What do you mean by a transaction?
 8. Define the term ACID properties. 
9. Describe flash memory. 
10. List out the physical storage media.
PART B - (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)
11. (A) (i) Discuss the various disadvantages in the file system and explain how it can be overcome by the database system. (Marks 6)

 (Ii) What are the different Data models present? Explain in detail. (Marks 10)Or 
(B) (i) Explain the Database system structure with a neat diagram. (Marks 10)
 (Ii) Construct an ER diagram for an employee payroll system. (Marks 6)
12. (A) (i) Explain the use of trigger with your own example. (Marks 8)

 (Ii) Discuss the terms Distributed databases and client / serverdatabases. (Marks 8)Or
 (B) (i) What is a view? How can it be created? Explain with an example. (Marks 7)
 (Ii) Discuss in detail the operators SELECT, PROJECT, UNION withsuitable examples. (Marks 9)
13. (A) Explain 1NF, 2NF and 3NF with an example. (Marks 16)Or

 (B) Explain the Boyce-Codd normal form with an example. Also state how itdiffers from that of 3NF. (Marks 16)
14. (A) (i) How can you implement atomicity in transactions? Explain. (Marks 8) 

(Ii) Describe the concept of serilalizability with suitable example. (Marks 8)Or
 (B) How concurrency is performed? Explain the protocol that is used tomaintain the concurrency concept. (Marks 16)
15. (A) What is RAID? Explain it in detail. (Marks 16)Or 

(B) Mention the purpose of indexing. How this can be done by B + tree?Explain. (Marks 16)
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