PH 2111 Engineering Physics I previous year question paper download

Regulations 2008
First Semester
Common to all branches

PH2111 Engineering Physics I
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions

Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Mention any two properties of ultrasonic waves.
2. What i s the principle of pulse echo system?
3. What are the conditions needed for laser action?
4. What is holography?.
5. Define acceptance angle of a fibre.
6. Give the applications of the fibre optical system.
7. Calculate de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with velocity 107 m/s.
8. Explain degenerate and non-degenerate states.
9. Calculate the first and second nearest neighbor distances in the body centered cubic unit
cell of sodium, which has lattice constant of 4:3 £ 10¡10 m.
10. What is meant by Frenkel imperfection?
Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) What are magnetostriction and piezoelectric e®ect? (4)
(ii) Write down the complete experimental procedure with a neat circuit diagram of
producing ultrasonic waves by piezoelectric e®ect. (12)
11. (b) (i) What is an acoustic grating? How is it used in determining the velocity of
(2 + 6)
(ii) Explain the process of non-destructive testing of materials using ultrasonic waves
by pulse-echo method. (8)
12. (a) (i) Derive the relation between the probabilities of spontaneous emission and stimu-
lated emission in terms of Einstein's coe±cients. (8)
(ii) Explain the following pumping mechanisms.
(1) optical and
(2) electric discharge. (8)
12. (b) (i) With a neat sketch, explain the construction, principle and working of CO2 laser.
(ii) Mention four applications of lasers in materials processing.
13. (a) (i) Explain the basic structure of an optical ¯bre and discuss the principle of trans-
mission of light through optical ¯bres. (5)
(ii) Derive an expression for numerical aperture. (5)
(iii) Briefly discuss a technique of optical ¯bre drawing. (6)
13. (b) (i) With a neat diagram, give an account on displacement sensors. (8)
(ii) Give an elaborate account on losses in optical ¯bres. (8)
14. (a) (i) What is Compton e®ect? Derive an expression for the change in wavelength
su®ered by an X-ray photon, when it collides with an electron. (2 + 12)
(ii) An electron at rest is accelerated through a potential of 2 kV. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of matter wave associated with it. (2)
14. (b) (i) Solve the Schrodinger's wave equation for a free particle of mass m moving within
a one dimensional potential box of width L to obtain eigenvalues of energy and
(ii) Find the eigenvalues of energies and eigenfunctions of an electron moving in a
one dimensional potential box of infinite hei ght and 1 ºA of width. Given that m
= 9.11 £10¡31 kg and h = 6.63 £10¡34 J. (5)
15. (a) (i) What are Miller indices? Mention the steps involved to determine the Miller
indices with example. (2 + 4)
(ii) The material zinc has HCP structure. If the radius of the atom is1/4th of the
diagonal of hexagon, calculate the height of the unit cell in terms of atomic
(iii) Show that the packing factor for HCP i s 74% . (8)
15. (b) (i) What i s Burger vector? (2)
(ii) Draw Burger circuit indicating Burger vector for edge dislocation and screw dis-
location. (4+4)
(iii) Certain defects in crystals improve the properties of crystals. Explain. (6)

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