EC 9307 Microprocessor and microcontroller laboratory syllabus download

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8085 based experiments

1. Assembly Language Programming of 8085
                                               8086 based experiments

1. Programs for 16 bit Arithmetic, Sorting, Searching and String operations,
2. Programs for Digital clock, ADC and DAC Interfacing
3. Interfacing and Programming 8279, 8259, and 8253.
4. Serial Communication Between Two Microprocessor Kits using 8251.
5. Interfacing and Programming of Stepper Motor and DC Motor Speed ​​control and
       Parallel Communication Between Two Microprocessor Kits using Mode 1 and
Mode 2 of 8255.
6. Macroassembler Programming for 8086
8051 based experiments

1. Programming using Arithmetic, Logical and Bit Manipulation instructions of 8051
2. Programming and Verifying Timer, Interrupts and UART operations in 8051
3. Interfacing - DAC and ADC based temperature measurement and 8051
4. Interfacing - LED and LCD
5. Interfacing - stepper motor traffic light control
6. Communication Between 8051 Microcontroller kit and PC.
7. R8C based applications
                    TOTAL: 45 PERIODS

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