Finance Merchant banking and financial services question paper download

Finance Merchant banking and financial services

Answer all questions (10*2=20 marks)


1. What do you mean by private placement?

2. How is forfeiting different from export factoring?

3. who is an issue manager?

4. What do you know about the IPO method of marketing securities?

5. What is credit syndication?

6. What is portfolio mnagement?

7. What is "Swap leasing"?

8. Identify the different ways of derermining the rate of interest under hire puchase finance agreement.

9. Define venture capital.

10.what is mean by factoring?

PART-B (5*16=80marks)

11. (a) Describe the provisions of the company act 1956 relating to allotment of shares and issue of share certificates
(b)Out line the pre issue activities relating to the issue of share capital through prospectus.
12. (a) Name some of thecompanies that carry out unerwriting business in india.
(b) Discuss themajor isues of mergers and aquisitions in india
 13. (a) What are the functions of credit rating? Explain the benefits of credit rating to rated companies and investors
(b) Explain the clasification of mutual funds what factors should be considered before selecting a mutual fund?
14. (a) State the different approaches of ascertaining the purchase price by an aquiring firm
(b) Write a detailed note on syndication of working capital funds by merchant bankers
15. (a) Discuss the scope ofventure capital.Offer suggestions for the success of venture capital in india
(b) what are the facilities offered to creditcard holders? Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of credit card to its holder, issuer and the member establishment

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