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PART A-(2 * 20 = 40)
1. What is the use of mason's gain formula.2.Give two examples for open loop and closed loop systems.3. What do you meant by analogous systems.4. What are the frequency domain specifications.5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of feedback control systems.6. How can we classify second order system based on damping ratio.7. Define gain margin.8. Define resonant frequency.9. State Routh Stability Criterion.10. Define the Nyquist stability Criterion.11. What are the difference Between state space analysis and Transfer function analysis.12. What are the root loci.13. What is servomechanism.14. What are the Different types of controller.15. What is synchro.16. Name the test signals used in control systems.17. What is polar plot.18. Give examples for the frequency response plot.19. Write down the state model and the output model of state space systems.20. What do you mean by decompositions of transfer function.
PART B-(5 * 12 = 60)
21/A) A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function G (s) = K / s (s +10). If the damping ratio is 0.5 Determine (i) the value of k, (ii) the peak overshoot, (iii) the time to peak overshoot, (iv) the settling time. (8) B) For a unity feedback Whose G (s) = 1 / s (s +1) is the input signal r (t) = 4 +6 t +2 t3. Find the Generalized Coefficient error. (4)
22. For the given block diagram find Corresponding signal flow graph and Evaluate closed loop transfer function relating the output and input.
23. Determine the value of k for a unity feedback control system have open loop transfer function G (s) H (s) = K / s (s +2) (s +4) Such That (i) the gain margin = 20dB (ii) phase margin = 600th
24. Investigate the F (s) for stability using RH Criterion (i) F (s) = s4 + KS2 + (k +1) s +2 (ii) F (s) = s4 + s3 +3 s2 + s +6 (iii) F (s) = s5 + s4 s3 +2 s2 +2 s +6 +6
25. Obtain the state space model of the system with transfer function C (s) = s2 +3 s +2 phase in West format. R (s) s2 +7 s +12
26. A system characterized by the state FOLLOWING EquationFind (i) Transfer function of the system (ii) State transition matrix.
27. Sketch the root locus for the system with characteristic Equation 1 + G (s) H (s) = K (s +2) (s +3) (s +1) (s-1)
28. Find the transfer function of field controlled DC servo motor.
For more question paper of ECE Department CLICK HERE
PART A-(2 * 20 = 40)
1. What is the use of mason's gain formula.2.Give two examples for open loop and closed loop systems.3. What do you meant by analogous systems.4. What are the frequency domain specifications.5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of feedback control systems.6. How can we classify second order system based on damping ratio.7. Define gain margin.8. Define resonant frequency.9. State Routh Stability Criterion.10. Define the Nyquist stability Criterion.11. What are the difference Between state space analysis and Transfer function analysis.12. What are the root loci.13. What is servomechanism.14. What are the Different types of controller.15. What is synchro.16. Name the test signals used in control systems.17. What is polar plot.18. Give examples for the frequency response plot.19. Write down the state model and the output model of state space systems.20. What do you mean by decompositions of transfer function.
PART B-(5 * 12 = 60)
21/A) A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function G (s) = K / s (s +10). If the damping ratio is 0.5 Determine (i) the value of k, (ii) the peak overshoot, (iii) the time to peak overshoot, (iv) the settling time. (8) B) For a unity feedback Whose G (s) = 1 / s (s +1) is the input signal r (t) = 4 +6 t +2 t3. Find the Generalized Coefficient error. (4)
22. For the given block diagram find Corresponding signal flow graph and Evaluate closed loop transfer function relating the output and input.
23. Determine the value of k for a unity feedback control system have open loop transfer function G (s) H (s) = K / s (s +2) (s +4) Such That (i) the gain margin = 20dB (ii) phase margin = 600th
24. Investigate the F (s) for stability using RH Criterion (i) F (s) = s4 + KS2 + (k +1) s +2 (ii) F (s) = s4 + s3 +3 s2 + s +6 (iii) F (s) = s5 + s4 s3 +2 s2 +2 s +6 +6
25. Obtain the state space model of the system with transfer function C (s) = s2 +3 s +2 phase in West format. R (s) s2 +7 s +12
26. A system characterized by the state FOLLOWING EquationFind (i) Transfer function of the system (ii) State transition matrix.
27. Sketch the root locus for the system with characteristic Equation 1 + G (s) H (s) = K (s +2) (s +3) (s +1) (s-1)
28. Find the transfer function of field controlled DC servo motor.
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