CY2111 Engineering Chemistry I question paper download

 Anna UniversityB.E. / B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, JANUARY 2010
 Regulations 2008
 First SemesterCommon to all branches (except Marine Engg) 
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
 Answer ALL Questions
Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 

1. Calculate the hardness of a water sample containing 2.4 mg of calcium chloride in 500 ml of water. 
2. What is calgon? How does it function in water treatment?
 3. Why thermosetting plastics can not be remoulded? 
4. What is the role of sulphur in the vulcanization of rubber? 
5. Compare absorption and adsorption
.6. Mention any four applications of adsorption. 
7. Furnish the sequence of reactions in proton cycle nuclear fusion
.8. Give any two advantages of alkaline battery over dry cell. 
9. De ¯ ne refractoriness of a refractory. 
10. What are nanomaterials? Mention any two of their characteristic properties.
Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

 11. (A) (i) How is temporary hardness of water estimated by EDTA method? (8)
 (Ii) What are the requirements of potable water? How will you purify water for drinking purpose? (8)OR'
 11. (B) (i) What are ion exchange resins? How are they useful in removing hardness of water? (8) 
(Ii) What i s desalination? With a neat diagram, describe the `reverse osmosis' method for the desalination of brackish water. (8)
 12. (A) (i) How are the following polymers prepared? (8) 
(1) Teflon 
(2) Polystyrene 
(3) PET 
(4) Nylon 6,
 6.(Ii) Explain the mechanism of free radical addition polymerization. (8) 
12. (B) (i) What is natural rubber? Explain why natural rubber needs vulcanization. How is it carried out? (8)
 (Ii) What are composites? Give the preparation and uses of glass fibre reinforced composites and carbon fibre reinforced composites. (8) 
13. (A) (i) Compare physisorption and chemisorption. (8)
 (Ii) Adsorption of gases on solids is greatly influenced by temperature, pressure and nature of the adsorbent and adsorbate. Justify. (8)
13. (B) (i) Describe the role of adsorbents in catalysis with examples. (8) 
(Ii) How is the ion exchange adsorption useful in demineralization of water? Explain. (8) 
14. (A) (i) Explain with a neat diagram the parts and functions of a nuclear reactor. (8)(Ii) Write a note on photovoltaic cell. (8) 
14. (B) (i) Explain the working of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. (8)
 (Ii) Write a short note on lithium batteries. (8)15. (A) (i) How are alumina and carborundum manufactured? (12) 
(Ii) What are refractories? How are they classified?. (4) 
15. (B) (i) What are fluid and boundary lubrications? Explain.
 (8)(Ii) What are carbon nanotubes? Explain any three of their important applications. (8)
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