1. Define binary logic?Binary logic consists of binary variables and logical operations. The variables are designated by the alphabets such as A, B, C, x, y, z, etc., With each variable having only two distinct values: 1 and 0. There are three basic logic operations: AND, OR, and NOT.
2. What are the basic digital logic gates?The three basic logic gates areAND gateOR gateNOT gate
3. What is a Logic gate?Logic gates are the basic elements that make up a digital system. The electronic gate is a circuit that is able to operate on a number of binary inputs in order to perform a particular logical function.
5. Which gates are called as the universal gates? What are its advantages?The NAND and NOR gates are called as the universal gates. These gates are used to perform any type of logic application.
5 Define combinational logicWhen logic gates are connected together to produce a specified output for certain specified combinations of input variables, with no storage involved, the resulting circuit is called combinational logic.
6 Explain the design procedure for combinational circuitsThe problem definition Determine the number of available input variables & required O / P variables. Assigning letter symbols to I / O variables Obtain simplified Boolean expression for each O / P. Obtain the logic diagram.
7 Define Half adder and full adderThe logic circuit that performs the addition of two bits is a half adder. The circuit that performs the addition of three bits is a full adder.
8 Define Decoder?A decoder is a multiple - input multiple output logic circuit that converts codedinputs into coded outputs where the input and output codes are different.
9. What is binary decoder?A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from n input lines to a maximum of 2n out puts lines.
10.Define Encoder?An encoder has 2n input lines and n output lines. In encoder the output lines generate the binary code corresponding to the input value.
11. What is priority Encoder?A priority encoder is an encoder circuit that includes the priority function. In priority encoder, if 2 or more inputs are equal to 1 at the same time, the input having the highest priority will take precedence.
12. Define multiplexer?Multiplexer is a digital switch. If allows digital information from several sources to be routed onto a single output line.
13. What do you mean by comparatorA comparator is a special combinational circuit designed primarily to compare the relative magnitude of two binary numbers.
14. List basic types of programmable logic devices.
Read only memory
Programmable logic Array
Programmable Array Logic
15. Explain ROMA read only memory (ROM) is a device that includes both the decoder and the OR gates within a single IC package. It consists of n input lines and m output lines. Each bit combination of the input variables is called an address. Each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called a word. The number of distinct addresses possible with n input variables is 2n.
16. Define address and word:In a ROM, each bit combination of the input variable is called on address. Each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called a word.
17. State the types of ROM. Masked ROM.. Programmable Read only Memory. Erasable Programmable Read only memory.. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory.
18. What is programmable logic array? How it differs from ROM?In some cases the number of don't care conditions is excessive, it is more economical to use a second type of LSI component called a PLA. A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept; however it does not provide full decoding of the variables and does not generates all the minterms as in the ROM.
19. Which gate is equal to AND-invert Gate?NAND gate.
20. Which gate is equal to OR-invert Gate?NOR gate.
21. Bubbled OR gate is equal to --------------NAND gate
22. Bubbled AND gate is equal to --------------NOR gate
23. Explain PROM.PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)It allows user to store data or program. PROMs use the fuses with materiallike nichrome and polycrystalline. The user can blow these fuses by passingaround 20 to 50 mA of current for the period 5 to 20μs.The blowing of fuses iscalled programming of ROM. The PROMs are one time programmable. Onceprogrammed, the information is stored permanent.
24. Explain EPROM.
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)EPROM use MOS circuitry. They store 1's and 0's as a packet of charge in aburied layer of the IC chip. We can erase the stored data in the EPROMs byexposing the chip to ultraviolet light via its quartz window for 15 to 20minutes. It is not possible to erase selective information. The chip can bereprogrammed.
25. Explain EEPROM.
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)EEPROM also use MOS circuitry. Data is stored as charge or no charge on an insulated layer or an insulated floating gate in the device. EEPROM allowsselective erasing at the register level rather than erasing all the informationsince the information can be changed by using electrical signals.
26. What is RAM?Random Access Memory. Read and write operations can be carried out.27. What is programmable logic array? How it differs from ROM?In some cases the number of don't care conditions is excessive, it is more economical to use a second type of LSI component called a PLA. A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept; however it does not provide full decoding of the variables and does not generates all the minterms as in the ROM.
28.What is mask - programmable?With a mask programmable PLA, the user must submit a PLA program table to the manufacturer.
29. What is field programmable logic array?The second type of PLA is called a field programmable logic array. The user by means of certain recommended procedures can program the EPLA.
30. List the major differences between PLA and PALPLA:Both AND and OR arrays are programmable and ComplexCostlier than PALPALAND arrays are programmable OR arrays are fixedCheaper and Simpler
2. What are the basic digital logic gates?The three basic logic gates areAND gateOR gateNOT gate
3. What is a Logic gate?Logic gates are the basic elements that make up a digital system. The electronic gate is a circuit that is able to operate on a number of binary inputs in order to perform a particular logical function.
5. Which gates are called as the universal gates? What are its advantages?The NAND and NOR gates are called as the universal gates. These gates are used to perform any type of logic application.
5 Define combinational logicWhen logic gates are connected together to produce a specified output for certain specified combinations of input variables, with no storage involved, the resulting circuit is called combinational logic.
6 Explain the design procedure for combinational circuitsThe problem definition Determine the number of available input variables & required O / P variables. Assigning letter symbols to I / O variables Obtain simplified Boolean expression for each O / P. Obtain the logic diagram.
7 Define Half adder and full adderThe logic circuit that performs the addition of two bits is a half adder. The circuit that performs the addition of three bits is a full adder.
8 Define Decoder?A decoder is a multiple - input multiple output logic circuit that converts codedinputs into coded outputs where the input and output codes are different.
9. What is binary decoder?A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from n input lines to a maximum of 2n out puts lines.
10.Define Encoder?An encoder has 2n input lines and n output lines. In encoder the output lines generate the binary code corresponding to the input value.
11. What is priority Encoder?A priority encoder is an encoder circuit that includes the priority function. In priority encoder, if 2 or more inputs are equal to 1 at the same time, the input having the highest priority will take precedence.
12. Define multiplexer?Multiplexer is a digital switch. If allows digital information from several sources to be routed onto a single output line.
13. What do you mean by comparatorA comparator is a special combinational circuit designed primarily to compare the relative magnitude of two binary numbers.
14. List basic types of programmable logic devices.
Read only memory
Programmable logic Array
Programmable Array Logic
15. Explain ROMA read only memory (ROM) is a device that includes both the decoder and the OR gates within a single IC package. It consists of n input lines and m output lines. Each bit combination of the input variables is called an address. Each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called a word. The number of distinct addresses possible with n input variables is 2n.
16. Define address and word:In a ROM, each bit combination of the input variable is called on address. Each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called a word.
17. State the types of ROM. Masked ROM.. Programmable Read only Memory. Erasable Programmable Read only memory.. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory.
18. What is programmable logic array? How it differs from ROM?In some cases the number of don't care conditions is excessive, it is more economical to use a second type of LSI component called a PLA. A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept; however it does not provide full decoding of the variables and does not generates all the minterms as in the ROM.
19. Which gate is equal to AND-invert Gate?NAND gate.
20. Which gate is equal to OR-invert Gate?NOR gate.
21. Bubbled OR gate is equal to --------------NAND gate
22. Bubbled AND gate is equal to --------------NOR gate
23. Explain PROM.PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)It allows user to store data or program. PROMs use the fuses with materiallike nichrome and polycrystalline. The user can blow these fuses by passingaround 20 to 50 mA of current for the period 5 to 20μs.The blowing of fuses iscalled programming of ROM. The PROMs are one time programmable. Onceprogrammed, the information is stored permanent.
24. Explain EPROM.
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)EPROM use MOS circuitry. They store 1's and 0's as a packet of charge in aburied layer of the IC chip. We can erase the stored data in the EPROMs byexposing the chip to ultraviolet light via its quartz window for 15 to 20minutes. It is not possible to erase selective information. The chip can bereprogrammed.
25. Explain EEPROM.
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)EEPROM also use MOS circuitry. Data is stored as charge or no charge on an insulated layer or an insulated floating gate in the device. EEPROM allowsselective erasing at the register level rather than erasing all the informationsince the information can be changed by using electrical signals.
26. What is RAM?Random Access Memory. Read and write operations can be carried out.27. What is programmable logic array? How it differs from ROM?In some cases the number of don't care conditions is excessive, it is more economical to use a second type of LSI component called a PLA. A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept; however it does not provide full decoding of the variables and does not generates all the minterms as in the ROM.
28.What is mask - programmable?With a mask programmable PLA, the user must submit a PLA program table to the manufacturer.
29. What is field programmable logic array?The second type of PLA is called a field programmable logic array. The user by means of certain recommended procedures can program the EPLA.
30. List the major differences between PLA and PALPLA:Both AND and OR arrays are programmable and ComplexCostlier than PALPALAND arrays are programmable OR arrays are fixedCheaper and Simpler
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