CE 2301 Irrigation Engineering
UNIT - 1
1) Define irrigation?Irrigation is the defined as the science of artificial application of water to the crop land in accordance with the Requirements.
2) What is the necessity of irrigation?1.inadequate rainfall2.increasing yield of cropsPerennial crops 3.growing4.uneven distribution of rainfall.
3) What are the Advantages of irrigation?1.increase in food production2.optimum benefits3.general Prosperity4.afforestation.
4) What are the disadvantages of irrigation?1.over irrigation may lead to water logging2.it may reduce cropyield3.it is expensive and complex.
5) What are the types of irrigation?1.surface irrigation2.sub-surface irrigation.
6) What are the Techniques of water distribution in the farms?1.free flooding2.border flooding3.check flooding4.basin flooding, furrow irrigation method, drip irrigation method.
7) What are the types of sprinkler system?1.permanent system2.semi-permanent system3.portable system
8) What are the Advantages of sprinkler irrigation?1.land LEVELLING note is requiredCan be Applied uniformly 2.fertilisers3.it is less labor oriented
9) What are the Limitations of sprinkler irrigation?1.initial cost of the system is very highRequires 2.it larger electrical power3.high wind may distort sprinkler patterns
10) What is barren region?WHERE The irrigation area is must for arid region agriculture is Called
11) What is semi-arid region?The low crops area in Which Can be grown without irrigation
12) What is crop regularly?The Period That time elapses from the instant of ITS sowing to the instant ofITS is Called crop harvesting period.
13) What is base regularly?The time between the first watering of the crop at the time of sowing to ITS ITSlast watering is Called Before harvesting the base Period
14) What is Rotation Period?The time interval between two consecutive Sucha watering is Calledirrigation frequency.
15) Define duty of water?It is the relationship between the volume of water and the area of crops itMatures is Called duty of water.
16) Define the delta of the crop?each crop Requires A Certain amount of water after a fixed interval of Certaintime, through ITS Period of growth of the crop is Called delta
17) What are the Factors Which duty depends on?1.type of crop2.climate and seasons3.useful rainfall4.type of soil5.efficiency of cultivation method
18) What is kharif crops?The kharif crops is rice, bajra, jawar, maize, cotton, tobacco, groundnut, etc..
19) What are Rabi crops?Rabi crops is wheat, barley, gram, linseed, mustard, potatoes, etc.
20) Define irrigation efficiency?It is the efficiency of water output to the input water, and isUsually Expressed as Percentage.
21) What is Called effective rainfall?Precipitation falling During the Growing Period of the crop That isavailable to meet the evaporation-transpiration Needs of the crop, is Called effective rainfall.
IRRIGATION METHOD1) List Some types of irrigation?canal irrigation, lift irrigation, tank irrigation, etc.
2) What is the necessity of irrigation?1.inadequate rainfall2.increasing yield of cropsPerennial crops 3.growing4.uneven distribution of rainfall.
3) What are the Advantages of irrigation?1.increase in food production2.optimum benefits3.general Prosperity4.afforestation.
4) What are the disadvantages of irrigation?1.over irrigation may lead to water logging2.it may reduce cropyield3.it is expensive and complex.
5) What are the types of irrigation?1.surface irrigation2.sub-surface irrigation.
6) What are the Techniques of water distribution in the farms?1.free flooding2.border flooding3.check flooding4.basin flooding, furrow irrigation method, drip irrigation method.
7) What are the types of sprinkler system?1.permanent system2.semi-permanent system3.portable system
8) What are the Advantages of sprinkler irrigation?1.land LEVELLING note is requiredCan be Applied uniformly 2.fertilisers3.it is less labor oriented
9) what is the limitation of sprinkler irrigation?1.initial cost of the system is very highRequires 2.it larger electrical power3.high wind may distort sprinkler patterns
10) What are the types of Canals?1.alluvial channel2.non-alluvial channel
11) What is alignment of Canals?1.watershed ridge channel or channel2.contour channel3.side channel slope
12) What is distribution of canal irrigation system?1.Main channel2.branch channel3.major channel4.watercourses5.minor channel
13) define irrigation tank?]it is the defined as the storage irrigation schemes, The which utilizes the waterStored on the upstream side of the smaller earth dam
14) define tank Banks?the earthen bunds, spanning across the tank bunds or steams is CalledBanks Tank
15) What is Called alluvial soil?the process of silt deposition may continue over long Periods oftime, resulting in the formation is alluvial soil Called
16) What is Called non-alluvial soil?moutaineous Regions may go on disintegrating over the Period oftime, resulting in the formation of the rocky plain non-alluvial soil area Called
17) What is Called watershed channel?the ridge dividing line between the Catchment Areas of two streams isCalled watershed channel]
18.what is the Other name for drip irrigation?drip irrigation is Also Called as trickle irrigation.
19.what sprinkler irrigation system is Called?Applied to the soil water is in the form of a spray through a network ofpipes and sprinkler irrigation system pumps is Called
20.what is Called Called borders?Land is Divided into a number of strips separated by low leeves Calledborders.
UNIT-31) What is meant by channel escape?Canal escapes is the safety valves of Canals & Must Be provided atregular intervals, depending upon the Importance of channel & availability of Suitabledrainage for the disposal of the Exposed water.
2) Defines the base period.Period That the time elapses from the instant of sowing to instant ofCalled is crop harvesting or base period.
3) Member diff types of sprinkler system.1.permanent system2.semi-permanent system3.portable system
4) State various kinds of Dams.1.earth Dams2.rock fill Dams3.solid masonry gravity Dams4.hollow "" ""5.timber Dams6.steel Dams7.arch Dams
5). Member diff types of spillways.1.straight drop spillway2.ogee spillway3.trough spillway4.side channel spillway5.shaft spillway6.syphon spillway
6) Define gross commanded area.it is bounded with the total area in the boundary of the irrigation project. itincludes the cultivable as well as uncultivable areas.
7). What are the various types of Dams?1.earth Dams2.rockfill Dams3.solid masonry gravity4.hollow ""5.timber Dams6.steel Dams7.arch Dams
8) What is Weir?The major part of the water is achieved by the Raised crest or a small part is achievedTHEN shutters by raising this barrier is known as Weir.
9) What is tank sluices?year it is opening in the form of culvert under the Tank Bund and supplying water todistributory the channel.
10) Forces acting on arch Dams.1.water pressure2.uplift ""3.earthquake forces4.silt pressure5.wave pressure6.ice ""
11) Define sluiceway.Pipe or tunnel provided for the withdrawl of water from the Dams is known assluiceway.
12) What is spillway?Spillway is a structure constructed at the dam site for disposing the surplus waterfrom upstream to downstream.
13) Types of earthen Dams.Embankment type 1.homogeneousTwo. zoned "" "Three. diaphragm type.
14) Define barrage.the most of the ponding is done by the smaller of gates and it is done by RaisedTHEN the barrier crest is known as barrage.
15). What are the modes of failure in Gravity Dams?A. by turning over about the toe2.by crushing3.by development of tension4.by sliding
16) Define diversion headwork.Any hydraulic structure, Which offers offtaking water to the channel, is Calleddiversion headwork.
17) What is gravity dam?Which structure is designed in a way That Sucha ITS own weight resist externalforces and it is more durable.
18) Define stream line.Along the path Which Represent it the Water Flows through the subsoil.at a givenpoint upstream of hydraulic structures in Will & Will travel represented the ITS ownpathstream line.
19). Types of aeration tanks.1.air diffusion2.mechanical aeration3.combined ""
20) Limitations of blighs creep theory.A. no difference b \ w hzl & LTV creep2.hzl distance b \ w pipe line is Greater than 2 times the depth3.no idea about exit gradient
IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT1). What are the causes of water loss?A. seepage from the channelTwo. over irrigation of fieldThree. heavy surface runoff
2) What are Ways of water loss in the channel?A. seepage lossTwo. evaporation loss
3) What are Factors Which seepage loss depends on?position of water tableporosity of sub-soilporosity of soilextend of absorbing medium
4) What are two different condition of seppage?1.perculation2.absorption
Five. What are the remedial Measures for losses?1.efficient surface drainage2 .. Restriction of irrigationThree. change in crop pattern
6) What are the Advantages of irrigation water managements?A. Achievement of optimum irrigation efficiency2.economical and efficient operation and maintanence of irrigation system3.equitable distribution of supplies to irrigators especially at the end
7) Discuss Some components of water management?Shed management 1.water2.land management3.rain water management4.reservoir management
8.What is the impact of water user association?1.conveyance efficiency2.operation efficiency3.equity4.area water ratio unit
9.) What are the Advantages of water user association?1.better maintenance of the distributry2.possibility of high value crop of programs3.availability of water and irrigation process
10) What is optimization of water user association?1.to reduce the seepage loss and Conveyance2.Control over the usage of water3.planning4.to Avoid excess supply of water
11). What Are The Factors Which Influence evaporation loss?1.temperature2.wind velocity3.relative humidity
12. What is Land Management?The intensity of raising productivity per unit area per unit time NeedsWhich amounts to Be increased to increasing croped area.
13. What are the irrigation methods for cultivation?1.border strip-wheat2.furrow method-cotton3.basin method-Orchard
14. What is meant by fall?Command area developments.the concept of this developments is toensure efficient water utilization.
15. What are the uses of irrigation waters?1.wastages due to over irrigation2.wastages due to surface runoff3.wastages due to escape of water
16. What is the work of on farm development?1.irrigation practical2.crop planning3.irrigation method4.right amount of irrigation
17. What are the components of on farm developments?1.field drain2.crossing in field channel3.crossing of field channel4.formation of field channel
18. What is Called optimum water depth?The Quantity of water at Which the yield is maximum, is Called theoptimum water depth.
19. What is Called optimum utilisation of irrigation?Generally it means, getting maximum yield with Any amount of water.
20.what is the Relation between efficieny and losses?efficieny is inversely proportional to the losses.
1) What are the merits and demerits of irrigation?2) What are the Factors affecting tax?3) Briefly explain about irrigation efficiencies?4) What is the consumptive use of water?5) Briefly explain about planning and development of irrigation project?
1.Briefly explain about that anal irrigation?2.Briefly explain about lift irrigation?3.Briefly explain about irrigation tank?4.Briefly explain about flooding methods?Sprinkler irrigation methods 5.Briefly explain about?Factors affecting 1.What is the location and types of Dams?2.Briefly explain about tanks, sluices, and wiers?3.What types of Dams and dam has ARCHES?4.What has forces acting on the dam?5.Explain the design features of cross drainage works?1.What is the necessity of river training works?2.Describe in brief different types of river training works?3.What is mean by Banks guide? Their functions and effects what is?4.State the necessity and location of channel falls?5.Briefly explain about classification of Canals?
1.Briefly explain about on-farm-development works?2.What is the Need for water user's association?3.What is the Need for optimization of water use?4.Briefly explain about perculation pond?V.Shijumon, Lecturer Dept. of Civil Engg, NICE115.Discuss Farmers in the role of water management?
For more information contact us via Studentstrainer@gmail.com. Caring is sharing, show your caring to us by sharing our post in social sites and keep like us,,,
UNIT - 1
1) Define irrigation?Irrigation is the defined as the science of artificial application of water to the crop land in accordance with the Requirements.
2) What is the necessity of irrigation?1.inadequate rainfall2.increasing yield of cropsPerennial crops 3.growing4.uneven distribution of rainfall.
3) What are the Advantages of irrigation?1.increase in food production2.optimum benefits3.general Prosperity4.afforestation.
4) What are the disadvantages of irrigation?1.over irrigation may lead to water logging2.it may reduce cropyield3.it is expensive and complex.
5) What are the types of irrigation?1.surface irrigation2.sub-surface irrigation.
6) What are the Techniques of water distribution in the farms?1.free flooding2.border flooding3.check flooding4.basin flooding, furrow irrigation method, drip irrigation method.
7) What are the types of sprinkler system?1.permanent system2.semi-permanent system3.portable system
8) What are the Advantages of sprinkler irrigation?1.land LEVELLING note is requiredCan be Applied uniformly 2.fertilisers3.it is less labor oriented
9) What are the Limitations of sprinkler irrigation?1.initial cost of the system is very highRequires 2.it larger electrical power3.high wind may distort sprinkler patterns
10) What is barren region?WHERE The irrigation area is must for arid region agriculture is Called
11) What is semi-arid region?The low crops area in Which Can be grown without irrigation
12) What is crop regularly?The Period That time elapses from the instant of ITS sowing to the instant ofITS is Called crop harvesting period.
13) What is base regularly?The time between the first watering of the crop at the time of sowing to ITS ITSlast watering is Called Before harvesting the base Period
14) What is Rotation Period?The time interval between two consecutive Sucha watering is Calledirrigation frequency.
15) Define duty of water?It is the relationship between the volume of water and the area of crops itMatures is Called duty of water.
16) Define the delta of the crop?each crop Requires A Certain amount of water after a fixed interval of Certaintime, through ITS Period of growth of the crop is Called delta
17) What are the Factors Which duty depends on?1.type of crop2.climate and seasons3.useful rainfall4.type of soil5.efficiency of cultivation method
18) What is kharif crops?The kharif crops is rice, bajra, jawar, maize, cotton, tobacco, groundnut, etc..
19) What are Rabi crops?Rabi crops is wheat, barley, gram, linseed, mustard, potatoes, etc.
20) Define irrigation efficiency?It is the efficiency of water output to the input water, and isUsually Expressed as Percentage.
21) What is Called effective rainfall?Precipitation falling During the Growing Period of the crop That isavailable to meet the evaporation-transpiration Needs of the crop, is Called effective rainfall.
IRRIGATION METHOD1) List Some types of irrigation?canal irrigation, lift irrigation, tank irrigation, etc.
2) What is the necessity of irrigation?1.inadequate rainfall2.increasing yield of cropsPerennial crops 3.growing4.uneven distribution of rainfall.
3) What are the Advantages of irrigation?1.increase in food production2.optimum benefits3.general Prosperity4.afforestation.
4) What are the disadvantages of irrigation?1.over irrigation may lead to water logging2.it may reduce cropyield3.it is expensive and complex.
5) What are the types of irrigation?1.surface irrigation2.sub-surface irrigation.
6) What are the Techniques of water distribution in the farms?1.free flooding2.border flooding3.check flooding4.basin flooding, furrow irrigation method, drip irrigation method.
7) What are the types of sprinkler system?1.permanent system2.semi-permanent system3.portable system
8) What are the Advantages of sprinkler irrigation?1.land LEVELLING note is requiredCan be Applied uniformly 2.fertilisers3.it is less labor oriented
9) what is the limitation of sprinkler irrigation?1.initial cost of the system is very highRequires 2.it larger electrical power3.high wind may distort sprinkler patterns
10) What are the types of Canals?1.alluvial channel2.non-alluvial channel
11) What is alignment of Canals?1.watershed ridge channel or channel2.contour channel3.side channel slope
12) What is distribution of canal irrigation system?1.Main channel2.branch channel3.major channel4.watercourses5.minor channel
13) define irrigation tank?]it is the defined as the storage irrigation schemes, The which utilizes the waterStored on the upstream side of the smaller earth dam
14) define tank Banks?the earthen bunds, spanning across the tank bunds or steams is CalledBanks Tank
15) What is Called alluvial soil?the process of silt deposition may continue over long Periods oftime, resulting in the formation is alluvial soil Called
16) What is Called non-alluvial soil?moutaineous Regions may go on disintegrating over the Period oftime, resulting in the formation of the rocky plain non-alluvial soil area Called
17) What is Called watershed channel?the ridge dividing line between the Catchment Areas of two streams isCalled watershed channel]
18.what is the Other name for drip irrigation?drip irrigation is Also Called as trickle irrigation.
19.what sprinkler irrigation system is Called?Applied to the soil water is in the form of a spray through a network ofpipes and sprinkler irrigation system pumps is Called
20.what is Called Called borders?Land is Divided into a number of strips separated by low leeves Calledborders.
UNIT-31) What is meant by channel escape?Canal escapes is the safety valves of Canals & Must Be provided atregular intervals, depending upon the Importance of channel & availability of Suitabledrainage for the disposal of the Exposed water.
2) Defines the base period.Period That the time elapses from the instant of sowing to instant ofCalled is crop harvesting or base period.
3) Member diff types of sprinkler system.1.permanent system2.semi-permanent system3.portable system
4) State various kinds of Dams.1.earth Dams2.rock fill Dams3.solid masonry gravity Dams4.hollow "" ""5.timber Dams6.steel Dams7.arch Dams
5). Member diff types of spillways.1.straight drop spillway2.ogee spillway3.trough spillway4.side channel spillway5.shaft spillway6.syphon spillway
6) Define gross commanded area.it is bounded with the total area in the boundary of the irrigation project. itincludes the cultivable as well as uncultivable areas.
7). What are the various types of Dams?1.earth Dams2.rockfill Dams3.solid masonry gravity4.hollow ""5.timber Dams6.steel Dams7.arch Dams
8) What is Weir?The major part of the water is achieved by the Raised crest or a small part is achievedTHEN shutters by raising this barrier is known as Weir.
9) What is tank sluices?year it is opening in the form of culvert under the Tank Bund and supplying water todistributory the channel.
10) Forces acting on arch Dams.1.water pressure2.uplift ""3.earthquake forces4.silt pressure5.wave pressure6.ice ""
11) Define sluiceway.Pipe or tunnel provided for the withdrawl of water from the Dams is known assluiceway.
12) What is spillway?Spillway is a structure constructed at the dam site for disposing the surplus waterfrom upstream to downstream.
13) Types of earthen Dams.Embankment type 1.homogeneousTwo. zoned "" "Three. diaphragm type.
14) Define barrage.the most of the ponding is done by the smaller of gates and it is done by RaisedTHEN the barrier crest is known as barrage.
15). What are the modes of failure in Gravity Dams?A. by turning over about the toe2.by crushing3.by development of tension4.by sliding
16) Define diversion headwork.Any hydraulic structure, Which offers offtaking water to the channel, is Calleddiversion headwork.
17) What is gravity dam?Which structure is designed in a way That Sucha ITS own weight resist externalforces and it is more durable.
18) Define stream line.Along the path Which Represent it the Water Flows through the subsoil.at a givenpoint upstream of hydraulic structures in Will & Will travel represented the ITS ownpathstream line.
19). Types of aeration tanks.1.air diffusion2.mechanical aeration3.combined ""
20) Limitations of blighs creep theory.A. no difference b \ w hzl & LTV creep2.hzl distance b \ w pipe line is Greater than 2 times the depth3.no idea about exit gradient
IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT1). What are the causes of water loss?A. seepage from the channelTwo. over irrigation of fieldThree. heavy surface runoff
2) What are Ways of water loss in the channel?A. seepage lossTwo. evaporation loss
3) What are Factors Which seepage loss depends on?position of water tableporosity of sub-soilporosity of soilextend of absorbing medium
4) What are two different condition of seppage?1.perculation2.absorption
Five. What are the remedial Measures for losses?1.efficient surface drainage2 .. Restriction of irrigationThree. change in crop pattern
6) What are the Advantages of irrigation water managements?A. Achievement of optimum irrigation efficiency2.economical and efficient operation and maintanence of irrigation system3.equitable distribution of supplies to irrigators especially at the end
7) Discuss Some components of water management?Shed management 1.water2.land management3.rain water management4.reservoir management
8.What is the impact of water user association?1.conveyance efficiency2.operation efficiency3.equity4.area water ratio unit
9.) What are the Advantages of water user association?1.better maintenance of the distributry2.possibility of high value crop of programs3.availability of water and irrigation process
10) What is optimization of water user association?1.to reduce the seepage loss and Conveyance2.Control over the usage of water3.planning4.to Avoid excess supply of water
11). What Are The Factors Which Influence evaporation loss?1.temperature2.wind velocity3.relative humidity
12. What is Land Management?The intensity of raising productivity per unit area per unit time NeedsWhich amounts to Be increased to increasing croped area.
13. What are the irrigation methods for cultivation?1.border strip-wheat2.furrow method-cotton3.basin method-Orchard
14. What is meant by fall?Command area developments.the concept of this developments is toensure efficient water utilization.
15. What are the uses of irrigation waters?1.wastages due to over irrigation2.wastages due to surface runoff3.wastages due to escape of water
16. What is the work of on farm development?1.irrigation practical2.crop planning3.irrigation method4.right amount of irrigation
17. What are the components of on farm developments?1.field drain2.crossing in field channel3.crossing of field channel4.formation of field channel
18. What is Called optimum water depth?The Quantity of water at Which the yield is maximum, is Called theoptimum water depth.
19. What is Called optimum utilisation of irrigation?Generally it means, getting maximum yield with Any amount of water.
20.what is the Relation between efficieny and losses?efficieny is inversely proportional to the losses.
1) What are the merits and demerits of irrigation?2) What are the Factors affecting tax?3) Briefly explain about irrigation efficiencies?4) What is the consumptive use of water?5) Briefly explain about planning and development of irrigation project?
1.Briefly explain about that anal irrigation?2.Briefly explain about lift irrigation?3.Briefly explain about irrigation tank?4.Briefly explain about flooding methods?Sprinkler irrigation methods 5.Briefly explain about?Factors affecting 1.What is the location and types of Dams?2.Briefly explain about tanks, sluices, and wiers?3.What types of Dams and dam has ARCHES?4.What has forces acting on the dam?5.Explain the design features of cross drainage works?1.What is the necessity of river training works?2.Describe in brief different types of river training works?3.What is mean by Banks guide? Their functions and effects what is?4.State the necessity and location of channel falls?5.Briefly explain about classification of Canals?
1.Briefly explain about on-farm-development works?2.What is the Need for water user's association?3.What is the Need for optimization of water use?4.Briefly explain about perculation pond?V.Shijumon, Lecturer Dept. of Civil Engg, NICE115.Discuss Farmers in the role of water management?
For more information contact us via Studentstrainer@gmail.com. Caring is sharing, show your caring to us by sharing our post in social sites and keep like us,,,
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