CS2255 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers question bank free download

1. Explain the 8085 bus structure with a neat sketch
2. Explain the 8086 interrupt types in detail.
3. Briefly explain the concept of DMA
4. Draw and explain in detail about the architecture of 8086.
UNIT II1. Explain the few assembler directives with suitable examples
2. Explain the data transfer group and logical group of 8086 instructions
3. Write an 8086 ALP to find the largest element in an array elements
4. Explain the relative addressing mode and string addressing mode with its syntax in 8086
1. Write neat block diagram explain the 8255 Programmable peripheral interface and its operating modes.
2. Write neat block diagram explain the 8254 Programmable interval timer .Also explain the various modes of operation
3. Write neat block diagram explain the 8279 keyboard display controller and its software commands
1. Explain the architecture and working of the 8051 microcontroller.Give a neat sketch
2. Explain the logic instructions in 8051 with an example for each
3. Assume that 5 BCD data items are stored in RAM locations starting in 40H as shown below. Write an 8051 program to find the sum of all the numbers . The result must be in BCD.
40 = (71) 41=(11) 42 =(65) 43 =(59) 44 = (37)
1. Draw and explain the diagram to interface a stepper motor with a 8051 microcontroller. Also write an ALP to run the stepper motor in both forward and reverse direction with delay.
2. Draw and explain the block diagram of traffic light control system with program.
3. Draw and explain the block diagram of traffic light control system with program.

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