CS2403 - Digital Signal Processing
- What is meant by aliasing? How can it be avoided?
- Find the energy and power of x (n) = Aejωn u (n).
- Determine which of the following sequences is periodic, and compute their fundamental period. (A) Aej7πn (b) sin (3n)
- Is the system y (n) = ln [x (n)] is linear and time invariant?
- Determine Z transform of x (n) = 5nu (n)
- State sampling theorem.
- Find the signal energy of (1/2) n u (n)
- Determine whether the following sinusoids is periodic, if periodic then compute their fundamental period. (A) cos 0.01πn (b) sin (π62n/10)
- Check whether the system y (n) = ex (n) is linear.
- Determine Z transform of x (n) = anu (n)
- How DFT is differ from DTFT
- Find DFT of sequence x (n) = {1, 1, -2, -2}
- What are the computational saving (both complex multiplication and complex addition) in using N - point FFT algorithm.
- What do you mean by in - place computation?
- Differentiate between DIT and DIF FFT algorithm.
- Write DFT pair of equation
- List any four properties of DFT.
- Compute DFT of x (n) = {1, -1, 1, -1}
- Calculate% saving in computing through radix - 2, DFT algorithm of DFT coefficients. Assume N = 512.
- Find the value of WNK when N = 8 and K = 2 and also k = 3
- What are the advantages of FIR filters?
- What are the desirable characteristics of windows?
- Define Phase Delay and Group Delay.
- Draw the Direct form I structure of the FIR filter.
- Compare FIR and IIR digital filter
- Draw the ideal gain Vs frequency characteristics of HPF and BPF.
- What is Gibb's phenomenon?
- Write the steps involved in FIR filter design.
- List out the different forms of structural realizations available for realizing a FIR system.
- Use the backward difference for the derivative and convert the analog filter to digital filter given H (s) = 1 / (s2 +16)
- State the relationship between the analog and digital frequencies when converting an analog filter using bilinear transformation.
- Explain the advantage and drawback of Bilinear transformation
- Explain the term "wrapping effect"
- Find the transfer function for normalized butterworth filter of order 1 by determining the pole values.
- Find digital filter equivalent for H (s) = 1 / (s +8)
- Sketch the mapping of s - plane and z - plane in bilinear transformation.
- Represent decimal number 0.69 in fixed point representation of length N = 6
- What is Vocoder.
- What are the different formats of fixed point representation?
- State a few applications of adaptive filter
- (I) Find the convolution of the signals x (n) = and h (n) = u (n). (8)
- (Ii) Consider a system y (n) + y (n - 1) = x (n) + x (n - 1). Find transfer function, and impulse response the system. (8)
- (I) Find inverse Z - transfer of
- X (Z) = if
- ROC: | Z |> 1, (2) ROC: | Z | <0.5, (3) ROC: 0.5 <| Z | <1 (12).
- (Ii) Derive expressions to relate Z - transfer and DFT (4)
- (I) Determine the transfer function, and impulse response of the system y (n) - y (n - 1) + y (n - 2) = x (n) + x (n - 1). (8)
- (Ii) Find the convolution sum of
- and h (n) = δ (n) - δ (n - 1) + δ (n - 2) - δ (n - 3). (8)
- (I) Find the Z transform of (4 + 4)
- x (n) = 2n u (n - 2)
- x (n) = n2 u (n)
- (Ii) State and explain the scaling and time delay properties of Z transform. (8)
- (I) Discuss the properties of DFT. (10)
- (Ii) State and prove the circular convolution property of DFT. (6)
- (I) Compute DFT of following sequence (6)
- (1) x (n) = {1, 0, -1, 0}
- (2) x (n) = {j, 0, j, 1}
- (Ii) Using DFT and IDFT method, perform circular convolution of the sequence x (n) = {1, 2, 2, 1} and h (n) = {1, 2, 3}. (10)
- Find DFT of the sequence x (n) = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0} using radix -2 DIF - FFT algorithm. (16)
- Compute the eight point DFT of the given sequence x (n) = {½, ½, ½, ½, 0, 0, 0, 0} using radix - 2 DIT - DFT algorithm. (16)
- (I) Design digital low pass filter using BLT. Given that Assume sampling frequency of 100 rad / sec. (8)
- (Ii) Design IIR filter using impulse invariance technique. Given that and implement the resulting digital filter by adder, multipliers and delays. Assume sampling period = 1sec. (8)
- (I) Obtain the direct form1, canonic form and parallel form realization structures for the system given by the difference equation () = - 0 .1 (- 1) + 0.72 (- 2) + 0.7 () - 0.252 (- 2) . (10)
- (Ii) If find using impulse invariant method for sampling frequency of 5 samples / sec (6)
- Design butterworth filter using bilinear transformation method for the following specifications
- 0.8 ≤ | H (ejω) | ≤ 1; 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π
- | H (ejω) | ≤ 0.2; 0.6 ≤ ω ≤ π (16)
- Design an IIR digital low pass butterworth filter to meet the following requirements: Pass band ripple (peak to peak): ≤ 0.5dB, Pass band edge: 1.2kHz, Stop band attenuation: ≥ 40dB, Stop band edge: 2.0 kHz, Sampling rate : 8.0 kHz. Use bilinear transformation technique. (16)
- Design a symmetric FIR low pass filter whose desired frequency is given as () =
- The length of the filter should be 7 and = 1 rad / sample. Use rectangular window. (16)
- (I) For a FIR linear phase digital filter approximating the ideal frequency response
- () =
- Determine the coefficients of a 5 tap filter using rectangular window. (8)
- (Ii) Determine unit sample response () of a linear phase FIR filter of length M = 4 for which the frequency response at and is given as r (0) = 1 and r ((8)
- (I) Determine the coefficients h (n) of a linear phase FIR filter of length M = 15 which has a symmetric unit sample response and a frequency response (12)
- Hr =
- (Ii) State the advantage of floating point representation over fixed points representation. (4)
- (I) Determine the first 15 coefficients of FIR filters of magnitude specification is given below using frequency sampling method: () = (12)
- (Ii) Discuss the effect of finite word length on digital filter. (4)
- With neat diagram and supportive derivation explain multirate signal processing using two techniques. (16)
- (I) Explain decimation of sampling rate by an integer factor D and derive spectra for decimated signal. (10)
(Ii) Discuss on sampling rate conversion of rational factor I / D (6)- Write short notes on (a) Image enhancement (b) Speech Processing (c) Musical sound processing and (d) vocoder. (16
- What is adaptive filter? With neat block diagram discuss any four applications of adaptive filter. (16)
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