CS2402 Object Oriented analysis and Design question paper download



  1.  Give the characteristics of object oriented system.
  2.  What is an object? Give an example.
  3. Give a note on patterns and its necessity.
  4. Mention the models in Object Modelling Techniques in Rambaughmethodology and its role for describing the system.
  5.  List out the steps for finding the attributes of a class?
  6.  Give the hint to identify the attributes of a class?
  7.  Define axiom along with its types.
  8.  For the schema employee (emp-id, emp-name, street, city) give the clas representation along with the attribute types.
  9.  Mention the purpose of view layer interface.
  10.  What are client / server computing? Give two applications which work on this basis?
PART B-(5 X 16 = 80 marks)
11. (A) Explain and develop the payroll system using the steps of Object
oriented approach. [Marks 16]
(B) Explain the following
(I) Object Modelling Technique [Marks 8]
(Ii) Compare Aggregation and Composition with a suitable example. [Marks 8]
12.(A) Explain the relationships that are possible among the classes in the UML
representation with your example. [Marks 16]
(B) What are the various diagrams that are used in analysis and design steps
Of Booch Methodology? Explain with your own example. [Marks 16]
13. (A) Explain the method of identifying the classes using the common class
approach with an example. [Marks 16]
(B) Consider the Hospital Management System application with the
Following requirements
• System should handle the in-patient, out-patient information
through receptionist.
• Doctors are allowed to view the patient history and give their
• There should be a information system to provide the required
Give the use case, class and object diagrams. [Marks 4 +8 +4]
14.(a) With a suitable example explain how to design a class. Give all possible
representation in a class (name, attribute, visibility, methods, responsibilities) [Marks 16]
(B) Design the access layer for the Students information management which
includes personal, fees and mark details. [Marks 16]
15.(a) (i) Explain the various testing strategies. [Marks 12]
(Ii) Give the use cases that can be used to generate the test cases
for the Bank ATM application. [Marks 4]
(B) (i) How will you measure the user satisfaction? Describe. [Marks 6]
(Ii) Perform the satisfaction test for any client / server application. [Marks 10]

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