PART - A (2 Marks)
First What are EI & DI instructions of 8085?
Second What is ALE?
Third Define stack.
4th What do you mean by input port & output port?
5th List the flags of 8085.
PART - B (16 Marks)
First Draw & explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor (16)
Second Draw the Pin Diagram of 8085 and explain the function of various signals (16)
Third Explain the instruction classification & instruction sets (16)
4th Write a program to sort the numbers in ascending and descending order. (16)
5th Draw the timing diagram of the Following Instructions (16)
Interfacing Peripherals OF 8085
PART - A (2 Marks)
First What are the types of serial data communication?
Second What is baud rate?
Third What is USART?
4th List the Software and Hardware interrupts of 8085?
5th What are the features of 8279?
6th List some of the features of the INTEL 8259 (Programmable Interrupt Controller)
7th What are the control words of 8251 and what are its functions?
PART - B (16 Marks)
First With neat sketch explain the functions of 8255 PPI. (16)
Second With neat sketch explain the functions of 8251. (16)
Third With neat sketch explain the function of the DMA controller. (16)
4th With neat sketch explain the function of Programmable Interrupt Controller. (16)
5th With neat sketch explain the function of Keyboard and display controller. (16)
6th With neat sketch explain the function of the A / D converter. (16)
7 With neat sketch explain the function of D / A converter. (16)
PART - A (2 Marks)
First What is addressing?
Second What are the modes in 8086 Which can operate?
Third Letter of the segment registers of 8086.
4th What are the Index registers of 8086?
5th What is NMI?
6th What are the flags of 8086?
PART - B (16 Marks)
First Draw the architectural block diagram of 8086. (16)
Second Explain with examples addressing modes of 8086 processor. (16)
Third Draw & explain the modes of operation of 8086. (16)
4th Explain the instruction set of 8086 with examples. (16)
8051 Micro Controller
PART - A (2 Marks)
First What is a Microcontroller?
Second What is the Difference Between Microprocessor & Microcontroller?
Third List the addressing modes of 8051.
4th Explain the instructions used to access external RAM.
5th List the features of 8051 Microcontroller.
6th Explain the interrupts of 8051 Microcontroller
PART - B (16 Marks)
1.With neat sketch explain the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller. (16)
Second Draw the Pin Diagram of 8051 and explain the function of various signals. (16)
Third List the various Instructions available in 8051 Microcontroller. (16)
4th Explain the memory structure of 8051 (16)
5th Explain the I / O port structure of 8051. (16)
6th Draw the pin configuration of 8051, explain each pin. (16)
PART - A (2 Marks)
First What is the function of the program counter in 8051?
Second Write about the jump statement?
Third Write about the CALL statement in 8051.
4th Explain the operating mode0 of 8051 serial ports
5th Explain the operating mode2 of 8051 serial ports.
6th Explain the mode3 of 8051 serial ports.
PART - B (16 Marks)
First Explain the instruction set of 8051. (16)
Second Draw the format of Scone register. Explain different bits in it. (16)
Third Write an assembly language program to find "Fibonacci Series" of "N" given term. (16)
4th Write an assembly language program for stepper motor control. (16)
5th Explain the concept of keyboard Interfacing with 8051. (16)
6th Interfacing Explain the concept of ADC & DAC with controller. (16)
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