- Construction of microcontroller based Touchscreen Mobile Phone with Password protected features.
- Android Smart Phone based Home Automation.
- Touch Screen GLCD based Digital Devices Control System
- MEMS Accelerometer based tilt operated Graphical LCD and memory stick based textbook reading system.
- Evaluation of the tongue drive system by individuals with high-level spinal cord injury (IEEE 2009).
- GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System
- USB Memory Stick Data Logger. Measured values are stored in to a USB Pen Drive.
- Microcontroller based GPS Data Logger into MMC/SD Card.
- Triac and optically isolated diac based electrical oven temperature monitoring and controlling system with zero-crossing detector.
- Voice Operated Guidance Systems for Vision Impaired People. (Speech Recognition, Voice Guidance, Ultrasonic Obstacle sensor and GPS Receiver)
- GSM based Irrigation Water Pump Controller for Illiterates. (No Mobile phone operation knowledge required)
- Smartphone blutooth controlled Robot
- Implementation of location based advertisement system using GPS and Graphical LCD.
- Innovative keyboard construction with only one input pin.
- RFID and GSM based intelligent letterbox (mailbox).
- Wireless energy meter monitoring system with automatic tariff calculation on handheld.
- Image based password authentication for Illiterates with Touchscreen.
- Google Android operated Smart Home
- Speaking microcontroller for deaf and dumb.
- Wireless GoogleEarth control system at Railway/Bus Stations for tourist’s route map guidance.
- Virtual wireless dancing bells for classical dancers.
- Touchscreen based temperature monitoring and control system with graphical LCD.
- Location driven car music player. (Plays devotional songs near temples, shuts at home etc.)
- GPS based asset/vehicle/animal/child tracking system.
- Automatic Closed loop tire pressure monitoring and control system
- Microcontroller and Touchscreen based wireless library book catalog system.
- Touchscreen based Nurse/attendant calling system for physically impaired.
- Graphical LCD and Memory stick (MMC/SD card) based textbook reading system.
- Mobile phone controlled four-legged walking robot with speed and direction control.
- GPS based universal clock. Gets the time from satellites and displays on GLCD.
- Microcontroller based online examination system with dynamic questions.
- Digital vehicle speedometer with password enabled speed limit setting.
- GPS based vehicle travel location-logging system. This System stores the traveler’s geographical location and speed at an interval of one second and is stored in to 1GB MMC/SD memory card.
- SMS based remote SIM card’s address book access system.
- Microcontroller based digital clock with Graphical LCD and Sanskrit font (or Any regional font) Numbers.
- Microcontroller based virtual boundary/fencing for Wild Animals.
- GSM based instantaneous vehicle registration details extraction system very useful for Traffic police.
- Wireless Heartbeat Monitoring and Alert system.
- RFID/Mifare/Smart Card based security access control systems.
- GPS and GSM based real-time vehicle tracking on GoogleEarth (with two GSM Modems)
- Implementation of wireless sensors network for Wild Fire monitoring system.
- Real-time Heartbeat Monitoring system with display on Graphical LCD and Voice based alerting system.
- Touchscreen operated liquid dispensing system.
- Infrared (IR) remote controlled Muscle Stimulator with duration and intensity control.
- GPS based border alert system for fishermen.
- MEMS Accelerometer based digital photo frame with automatic position/view adjustment system (similar to digital cameras).
- Construction of Touchscreen based portable Digital Clock.
- GPS and Graphical display based tourist-guiding system with Touchscreen keyboard input for dynamic location recording. This can be used any where in the world including Sea and Forest locations.
- Microcontroller and RF transceiver based chatting application with Touchscreen keyboard implementation.
- Travel assistant for blind with dynamic user input for location based alerts
ece projects,
GSM projects,
IEEE projects,
project based on mems technology,
projects for ECE,
projects using GPS,
projects using microcontroller,
projects using phones,
Real time projects
Monday, 30 July 2012
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