The Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission for the year 2012 get starts from 11 may 2012 onwards. The Application for the Admission started on 11 may 2012 and it will ends at may 31, 2012. The last date for the submission of the application is on may 31, 2012. The results for the 12th students is on may 22, 2012. So the students have to fill the application and submit to anna university within may 31, 2012.
The Random number will be given to the students on june 20, 2012. According to the random numbers the students can call for their counselling.
The Counselling for the Sports quato starts on july 1, 2012 and ends on july 2, 2012. The counselling for the vocational groups are between july 3 to 7, 2012. and for the differently abled persons on 8th july 2012.
The General counselling starts on july 9, 2012 and ends on august 12, 2012.
Dear students, fill you application carefully without making any mistakes, If you do any mistakes in application, your application will be rejected from the counselling. So be careful in doing that.. If you have any doubts in filling it, you can ask us via comment or mail us at
The Random number will be given to the students on june 20, 2012. According to the random numbers the students can call for their counselling.
The Counselling for the Sports quato starts on july 1, 2012 and ends on july 2, 2012. The counselling for the vocational groups are between july 3 to 7, 2012. and for the differently abled persons on 8th july 2012.
The General counselling starts on july 9, 2012 and ends on august 12, 2012.
Dear students, fill you application carefully without making any mistakes, If you do any mistakes in application, your application will be rejected from the counselling. So be careful in doing that.. If you have any doubts in filling it, you can ask us via comment or mail us at
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