Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Anna university Minimum Cut off for Engineering colleges

The Anna University published the minimum cut off for the engineering counselling in the year 2011 for the engineering colleges. The students can check the cut off marks for the various colleges in the link below:   

Just enter your district name and select the college then you will get the relevant cut off details for the past year.
If you have any doubts , comment it below, we will clear you doubts as soon as possible.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Syllabus for Civil Engineering for I and II semester under regulation 2008 and 2009

The Syllabus for civil students who are all at 1st year for their 1st and 2nd semester syllabus are here under chennai anna university. You can download it at free of cost. just click syllabus and download it.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

CS2354 Advanced Computer Architecture question bank free download

Unit I

1.What is instruction-level parallelism? Explain in details about the various dependences caused in ILP?
2.Explain in details about static branch prediction and dynamic branch prediction
3.Explain the techniques to overcome data hazards with dynamic scheduling?
4. Explain in detail the hardware based speculation for a MIPS processor

Unit II
5.Explain in detail how compiler support can be used to increase the amount of parallelism that can be exploited in a program.
6.Explain the limitations of ILP?
7.Explain Intel IA-64 Architecture in detail with suitable reference to Itanium processor
8. Explain how hardware supports for exposing more parallelism at compile time?

Unit III
9.Explain in detail the symmetric shared memory architectures and explain the cache coherence problem in detail
10. Explain in detail the distributed shared memory architecture highlighting the directory based cache coherence protocol. Substantiate your explanation with suitable examples and state diagrams
11. Define synchronization and explain the different mechanisms employed for synchronization among processors?
Unit IV

12. Discuss in detail the different levels of RAID
13. How does one reduce cache miss penalty and miss rate? Explain.
14. Discuss Reliability, Availability and Dependability for storage devices in detail
15. What are the ways available to measure the I/O performance? Explain each of them in detail.
16. Discuss in detail about type of storage devices

17 Explain in detail about CMP architecture and SMT architecture?
18 Explain in detail about IBM Cell Processor
19 Discuss about Intel multi-core architecture.
20 Explain in detail about software and hardware multithreading techniques?

EE2353 High Voltage Engineering question bank free download

Unit I
1. Discuss the various types of protective devices used in transmission lines.
2. Explain the different methods employed for lightning protection of overhead lines.
3. Explain the mechanism of lightning strokes inducing high over voltages on transmission lines
4. Explain the causes for power frequency over voltages in power systems. 

Unit II
1. What are the factors that influence conduction in pure liquid dielectrics and in commercial liquid dielectrics?
2. Describe the mechanism of short term breakdown of composite insulation.
3. Derive an expression for the growth of current growth due to Townsend’s primary ionization.
4. Discuss the current growth phenomenon in a gas subjected to uniform and non-uniform fields
5. State why the very intrinsic strength of solid dielectric is not fully realized in practice. Explain in detail any one mechanism of breakdown in solid dielectrics. 

Unit III 
1. Explain the different schemes of transformer connection for producing very high AC voltages.
2. Explain the Marx circuit arrangement for multistage impulse generators. How is the basic arrangements modified to accommodate the wave time control.
3. Discuss the principle of operation of Vande graaff Generator with neat diagram
4. Explain the tripping and control of impulse generators.
Unit IV
1. What are the different types of resistive shunts used for impulse current measurements? Discuss their characteristics and limitations
2. explain the sphere gap arrangement method of high voltage measurement and give the factors influencing the measurement with neat diagram
3. explain the methods used for the measurement of high voltages and high currents
4. Explain the principle and construction of an electrostatic voltmeter for very high voltages 

Unit V
1. Draw the cross sectional view of a non-linear resistor lightning arrester and explain its operation
2. Explain the insulation coordination in EHV and UHV systems
3. Explain the power frequency, impulse voltage and thermal test conducted on bushings.
4. Discuss the dielectric power factor test and partial discharge test conducted on high voltage cables
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

CS 2351 Artificial Intelligence question bank free download

Anna University May/June 2012 examination
Important Questions

Unit I 

1.Explain A* algorithm with a suitable example. State the limitations in the algorithm.
2.Explain in detail on the characteristics and applications of learning agents.
3.What are the four basic types of agent program in an intelligent system? Explain how did you convert them into learning agents?
4.Define CSP and Discuss about backtracking search for CSPs 

Unit II 
1.Discuss forward and backward chaining in detail
2.Discuss in detail about FOL and inferences in FOL.
3.Explain Unification algorithm used for reasoning under predicate logic with an example
4.Analyze the missionaries and cannibals problem which is stated as follows. 3 missionaries and 3 cannibals are on one side of the river along with a boat that can hold one or two people. Find the way to get everyone to the other side, without leaving a group of missionaries in one place outnumbered by the cannibals in that place.
(i)Formulate a problem precisely making only those distinctions necessary to ensure a valid solution.Draw a diagram of the complete state space.
(ii)Design appropriate search algorithm for it.
5.Explain in detail about Resolution with its application. 

Unit III 
1.Explain the concept of planning with state space search using suitable examples.
2.Explain the use of planning graphs in providing better heuristic estimates with examples
3.Write short notes on the following
i.Conditional planning
ii.Execution monitoring and replanning
iii.Continuous planning
iv.Multiagent planning
4.Explain any two real world applications of planning and acting 

Unit IV
1.Explain the method of handling Approximate inference in Bayesian networks.
2.Explain the use of Hidden Markov Models in Speech Recognition in detail
3.Explain in detail about 

(1)Temporal models
(2)Probabilistic reasoning
4.Explain the concept of Bayesian network in representing knowledge in an uncertain domain 

1.Explain the concept of learning using decision trees and neural network approach.
2.Explain in detail learning from observation and explanation based learning
3.Explain in detail statistical learning methods and reinforcement learning.
4.Write short notes on (a) Statistical learning (b) Explanation based learning

EC 2051 Wireless Sensor Networks syllabus free download

Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks, Enabling Technologies For Wireless Sensor
Single-Node Architecture - Hardware Components, Energy Consumption of Sensor
Nodes , Operating Systems and Execution Environments, Network Architecture -
Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit, Gateway
Physical Layer and Transceiver Design Considerations, MAC Protocols for Wireless
Sensor Networks, Low Duty Cycle Protocols And Wakeup Concepts - S-MAC , The
Mediation Device Protocol, Wakeup Radio Concepts, Address and Name Management,
Assignment of MAC Addresses, Routing Protocols- Energy-Efficient Routing,
Geographic Routing.
Topology Control , Clustering, Time Synchronization, Localization and Positioning,
Sensor Tasking and Control.
Sensor Node Hardware – Berkeley Motes, Programming Challenges, Node-level
software platforms, Node-level Simulators, State-centric programming.

1. Holger Karl & Andreas Willig, " Protocols And Architectures for Wireless Sensor
Networks" , John Wiley, 2005.
2. Feng Zhao & Leonidas J. Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks- An Information
Processing Approach", Elsevier, 2007.
1. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, & Taieb Znati, “Wireless Sensor Networks-
Technology, Protocols, And Applications”, John Wiley, 2007.
2. Anna Hac, “Wireless Sensor Network Designs”, John Wiley, 2003.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

+2 results announced on may 22, 2012

The Tamil Nadu State Board of examination announced their results for the +2 students on may 22, 2012.
The TN Board Conducted the examination for students on feb/march 2012.
The students can check their results at:

Diplomo results for April/May 2012

The Diplomo students wrote their semester examination in the month of April/May 2012. Now the results are expected to be declared at the end of may or at the first half of June 2012.
The students can check their results at 

If you need more info about your results, keep connect with us,,,You can get any material or any relevant things by contacting us at

Thursday, 17 May 2012

IIT JEE results 2012 declared

More that 8.5 lakh students got participated in the IIT JEE entrance examination on april 8, 2012. They will get their results today may 18, 2012. The students can check their results at:

MCL recruitment 2012

Mahanandi Coalfield Limited (MCL)  invites the application for the various post to the candidate MCL Recruitment 2012 invites the eligible candidate for filling up the prescribed application and giving a good career with posts about Pay Scale of Rs.19000 / - per month or above. The post may be increased or decreased MCL Recruitment according to the selection criteria in 2012.For the further information about the MCL Recruitment 2012 check the following:

MCL Recruitment 2012 Details:

Posts - Pay Scale:Jr. Overman, T & S Gr.-C -Rs.19035.02 / - P.MMining Sirdar, T & S Gr.-C-Rs.19035.02 / - P.MDy. Surveyor, T & S Gr.-C-Rs.19035.02 / - P.M

No. of   vacancy: 353Jr. Overman, T & S Gr.-C-165Mining Sirdar, T & S Gr.-C-159Dy. Surveyor, T & S Gr.-C-29
Age Limit:

The Aspirant must not be empty than the 18 yrs of age and should be above than below the 30 yrs of age on the cutoff date as 31/03/2012. The age relaxation should be the MCL Recruitment 2012 According to Their selection rules. For SC / ST Candidates Their relaxation is 05 yrs. For more information check the official advertisement for age limitation of MCL Recruitment 2012.
Education Qualification:

 Eligibility Their job that you can check are different from the official advertisement of the MCL Recruitment 2012 or check the link below for seeking the Eligibility.
How To Apply:

Before applying for the post must have the candidate to check the rules and apply further Eligibility according to MCL Recruitment 2012 for the relevant posts online or offline.
 The candidate can apply online by sending their application as well as offline.
The candidate can apply online on the site of ''. And the Aspirant must have a scanned photograph and a facility to printout for applying online. 
To apply the candidate must have to fillup the online application of MCL Recruitment 2012 According to the prescribed format. 11.06.2012 The last date of application is before submission.
 * Female applicants are not allowed.
Visit the site for more details

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

RRB notifications 2012

 Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has issued notification against recruitment of 6,829 various vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 11-06-2012.
RRB Vacancy Details:-
Total Number of Posts: 6,829 
Names of Posts:
1. Commercial Apprentice – 317 vacancies
2. Traffic Apprentice – 740 vacancies
3. ECRC – 114 vacancies
4. Goods Guard – 1,768 vacancies
5. Jr Accounts Assistant cum Typist – 791 vacancies
6. Sr. Clerk cum Typist – 441 vacancies
7. Assistant Station Master – 2,646 vacancies
8. Traffic Assistant – 12 vacancies

Age Limit: Age should be in between 18-33 years and Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 01-07-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as per rules).

Educational Qualification: Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of required educational qualification provided separately for each post.

Application Fee Details: Unreserved and Male/OBC Male candidates need to pay Rs. 60/- in the form of Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft in favor of “Assistant Secretary or Secretary or Member Secretary or Chairman of Railway Recruitment Board payable at the place where the Railway Recruitment Board concerned is situated. SC/ST/PWD/EXSM/Women/Minorities/ Economically Backward Classes candidates are exempted from fee payment.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in Written Test followed by certificate verification.

How to Apply: Candidates apply through prescribed application format available in the notification, the application form should be filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting, with blue or black ball point pen only and send it along with copies of all required certificates and documents, by attaching a passport size photograph and attesting signature in an closed envelop super scribing as ‘Application for the Post/s of ,Category No./,Centralized Employment Notice No. 03/2012 of RRB/—, Community (SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-SM)’ to the address of concerned RRB, available in the notification on or before 11-06-2012.

Important Dates:-
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 11-06-2012
Last Date for Receipt of Application ( for flung areas) : 26-06-2012
Date of Examination: 28-10-2012

Click below for the applications: