The Engineering Chemistry II syllabus for second semester B.E, anna university under chennai.
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To the sound with superior knowledge on the principles of chemistry involving the differentapplication oriented topics required for all engineering Branch.
• The study should be conversant with the principles electrochemistry,electrochemical cell, EMF and applications of EMF measurements.• Principles of corrosion control• Chemistry of Fuel and combustion
• Industrial importance of P hase rule and alloys• Analytical Technique and their importance.
Electrochemical Cells - reversible and irreversible Cells - EMF - measurement of EMF- Single potent ial electrode - Nernst equation (problem) - reference electrodes -Standard Hydrogen electrode-Calomel electrode - Ion selective elect rods - glasselectrode and measurement of pH - electrochemical series - significance
potentiometer titrations (redox - Fe ² vs dichromate and precipitation - Ag
titrations) and hired metric titrations (acid-base - HCI vs, NaOH) titrations,
UNIT 2 corrosion and corrosion Control 9
Chemicals corrosion - Pilling - Bedworth rule - electrochemical corrosion - differenceType - galvanic corrosion - differential aeration corrosion - factors influencingcorrosion - corrosion control - sacrifices to the anode and impressed current cathodicMethods - corrosion inhibitory - protective coating - paints - constitutions andfunctions - coating metals - electroplating (Au) and electroless (Ni) plating.
Unit 3 Fuel combustion 9
Heat value - Classification - grow - proximate and ultimate analysis metallurgicalCoke - manufacture by Otto-Hoffmann methods - and the breaking of the fluid processing- Cracking - catalytic cracking and Methods-knocking - octane number and cetanenumber - synthetic petrol - Fischer Tropsch processes ergius and B - GaseousFuel-er wat you think, you think to prolong, cng and LPG, think flow analysis - Orsa machine- Theoretical and calcined for Air Ion.
UNIT 4 ALLOYS and Phase rule 9
Statement and Explanation of terms involved - one component system - waterSystem - Condensed Phase rule - construction of the phase diagram by thermal analysis- Simple eutectic Systems (Lead-silver system only) - alloys - importance, the error falloys - nichrome and stainless Steel - get treatment of Steel, not HARD-alloys -Brass and Bronze.
Beer-Lambert's law (problem) - UV-visible spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy -principles - A rumentation (problem) (Block diagram only) - estimation of Iron bycolorimetry - flame photometry - principle - instrumentation (Block diagram only) -estimation of sodium by tearing the photometry f - Atomic absorption spectroscopy -principles - instrumentation (Block diagram only) - estimation of nickel by Atomicabsorption spectroscopy.
TEXT BOOKS:1. PCJain and Monica Jain, "Engineering Chemistry" Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co..,New Delham (2002).
2. SSDara "A text book of Engineering Chemistry", S. Chand & Co.Ltd., NewDelham (2006).
1. B.Sivasankar "Engineering Chemistry" Pub.Co.Ltd Tata McGraw-Hill, NewDelham (2008).
2. BKSharma "Engineering Chemistry" Krishna Prakasan Media (P) Ltd.,Meerut (2001).
To download this click hereAIM
To the sound with superior knowledge on the principles of chemistry involving the differentapplication oriented topics required for all engineering Branch.
• The study should be conversant with the principles electrochemistry,electrochemical cell, EMF and applications of EMF measurements.• Principles of corrosion control• Chemistry of Fuel and combustion
• Industrial importance of P hase rule and alloys• Analytical Technique and their importance.
Electrochemical Cells - reversible and irreversible Cells - EMF - measurement of EMF- Single potent ial electrode - Nernst equation (problem) - reference electrodes -Standard Hydrogen electrode-Calomel electrode - Ion selective elect rods - glasselectrode and measurement of pH - electrochemical series - significance
potentiometer titrations (redox - Fe ² vs dichromate and precipitation - Ag
titrations) and hired metric titrations (acid-base - HCI vs, NaOH) titrations,
UNIT 2 corrosion and corrosion Control 9
Chemicals corrosion - Pilling - Bedworth rule - electrochemical corrosion - differenceType - galvanic corrosion - differential aeration corrosion - factors influencingcorrosion - corrosion control - sacrifices to the anode and impressed current cathodicMethods - corrosion inhibitory - protective coating - paints - constitutions andfunctions - coating metals - electroplating (Au) and electroless (Ni) plating.
Unit 3 Fuel combustion 9
Heat value - Classification - grow - proximate and ultimate analysis metallurgicalCoke - manufacture by Otto-Hoffmann methods - and the breaking of the fluid processing- Cracking - catalytic cracking and Methods-knocking - octane number and cetanenumber - synthetic petrol - Fischer Tropsch processes ergius and B - GaseousFuel-er wat you think, you think to prolong, cng and LPG, think flow analysis - Orsa machine- Theoretical and calcined for Air Ion.
UNIT 4 ALLOYS and Phase rule 9
Statement and Explanation of terms involved - one component system - waterSystem - Condensed Phase rule - construction of the phase diagram by thermal analysis- Simple eutectic Systems (Lead-silver system only) - alloys - importance, the error falloys - nichrome and stainless Steel - get treatment of Steel, not HARD-alloys -Brass and Bronze.
Beer-Lambert's law (problem) - UV-visible spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy -principles - A rumentation (problem) (Block diagram only) - estimation of Iron bycolorimetry - flame photometry - principle - instrumentation (Block diagram only) -estimation of sodium by tearing the photometry f - Atomic absorption spectroscopy -principles - instrumentation (Block diagram only) - estimation of nickel by Atomicabsorption spectroscopy.
TEXT BOOKS:1. PCJain and Monica Jain, "Engineering Chemistry" Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co..,New Delham (2002).
2. SSDara "A text book of Engineering Chemistry", S. Chand & Co.Ltd., NewDelham (2006).
1. B.Sivasankar "Engineering Chemistry" Pub.Co.Ltd Tata McGraw-Hill, NewDelham (2008).
2. BKSharma "Engineering Chemistry" Krishna Prakasan Media (P) Ltd.,Meerut (2001).
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