Friday, 24 February 2012

First semester Results declared

The Anna University, chennai has just delcared their results for the first semester students. The Anna university conducted the exam for the first year, Ist semester students on jan 2012. The results for the examination are offically declared today, feb 24, 2012.  The Students can check their results at

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

CY2161 Engineering Chemistry

The Engineering Chemistry II syllabus for second semester B.E, anna university under chennai. 
To download this click hereAIM

To the sound with superior knowledge on the principles of chemistry involving the differentapplication oriented topics required for all engineering Branch.


• The study should be conversant with the principles electrochemistry,electrochemical cell, EMF and applications of EMF measurements.• Principles of corrosion control• Chemistry of Fuel and combustion

• Industrial importance of P hase rule and alloys• Analytical Technique and their importance.


Electrochemical Cells - reversible and irreversible Cells - EMF - measurement of EMF- Single potent ial electrode - Nernst equation (problem) - reference electrodes -Standard Hydrogen electrode-Calomel electrode - Ion selective elect rods - glasselectrode and measurement of pH - electrochemical series - significance 
potentiometer titrations (redox - Fe ² vs dichromate and precipitation - Ag
titrations) and hired metric titrations (acid-base - HCI vs, NaOH) titrations,

UNIT  2 corrosion and corrosion Control 9

Chemicals corrosion - Pilling - Bedworth rule - electrochemical corrosion - differenceType - galvanic corrosion - differential aeration corrosion - factors influencingcorrosion - corrosion control - sacrifices to the anode and impressed current cathodicMethods - corrosion inhibitory - protective coating - paints - constitutions andfunctions - coating metals - electroplating (Au) and electroless (Ni) plating.

Unit 3 Fuel combustion 9 

Heat value - Classification - grow - proximate and ultimate analysis metallurgicalCoke - manufacture by Otto-Hoffmann methods - and the breaking of the fluid processing- Cracking - catalytic cracking and Methods-knocking - octane number and cetanenumber - synthetic petrol - Fischer Tropsch processes ergius and B - GaseousFuel-er wat you think, you think to prolong, cng and LPG, think flow analysis - Orsa machine- Theoretical and calcined for Air Ion.

UNIT 4 ALLOYS and Phase rule  9

Statement and Explanation of terms involved - one component system - waterSystem - Condensed Phase rule - construction of the phase diagram by thermal analysis- Simple eutectic Systems (Lead-silver system only) - alloys - importance, the error falloys - nichrome and stainless Steel - get treatment of Steel, not HARD-alloys -Brass and Bronze.

UNIT 5  ANALYTICAL Technique  9

Beer-Lambert's law (problem) - UV-visible spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy -principles - A rumentation (problem) (Block diagram only) - estimation of Iron bycolorimetry - flame photometry - principle - instrumentation (Block diagram only) -estimation of sodium by tearing the photometry f - Atomic absorption spectroscopy -principles - instrumentation (Block diagram only) - estimation of nickel by Atomicabsorption spectroscopy.

TEXT BOOKS:1. PCJain and Monica Jain, "Engineering Chemistry" Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co..,New Delham (2002).

2. SSDara "A text book of Engineering Chemistry", S. Chand & Co.Ltd., NewDelham (2006).


1. B.Sivasankar "Engineering Chemistry" Pub.Co.Ltd Tata McGraw-Hill, NewDelham (2008).

2. BKSharma "Engineering Chemistry" Krishna Prakasan Media (P) Ltd.,Meerut (2001).

To download this click here

Engineering Physics-II

The Engineering Physics-II syllabus for second semester students under anna university, chennai.
To download this click here

Contractors - free classical electron theory of met als - Electrical and thermalconductivity - Wiedemann - Franz law - Lorentz number - draw back of the classicaltheory - Quantum theory - Fermi distribution function - The result of Temperature onFermi Function - Density of Energy States - Carrier concentrations in the metal.


Intrinsically semiconductor - Carrier concent rational derivation - Fermi level - variation ofFermi level with Temperature - Electrical conductivity - Band gap determined -extrinsic semiconductors - Carrier concentrations in the derivation of n-type and p-typesemiconductor - variation of Fermi level with Temperature and impurity concentrations- Compound semiconductors - Hall effect of the Hall coefficient was determined -Applications.


Origin of magnetic moment - Bohr magneton - Dia and para magnetism - Ferromagnetism - Domain theory - Hysteresis - soft and hard magnetic material - anti -ferromagnetic material - Ferrites - applications - magnetic recording and readout -storage of magnetic data - CARPET, floppy and magnetic disc Drive.Superconductivity: Properties - Type of the contractors - BCS theory ofsuperconductivity (qualitatively) - High TC superconductors - Applications ofsuperconductors - SQUID, cryotron, magnetic levitation.


Electrical susceptibility - dielectric constant - electronic, Ionic, and orientationalpolarization space whatsoever - Temperature dependence of f requency and polarisation -internal Field - Claussius - Mosotti relation (derivation) - dielectric loss - dielectricbreakdown - uses of dielectric material (ie the capacity and transform) - ferroelectricityand applications.


Metals glasses: Preparation, Properties and applications.Shape memory alloys (SMA): characteristics, speed of IE Foundation alloy, application,advantages and disadvantages of SMANanomaterials: synthesis-the disposition of arcing - chemicals vapour deposition - sol-gels -electrodeposition - ball milling - Properties and applications of nanoparticles.Carbon nanotubes: fabrication - arc methods - pulsed laser deposition - chemicalsvapour deposition - structure - Properties and applications.



1. Charles Kittel, Introduction to solid State Physics ", John Wiley & sons,7th edition, Singapore (2007)

2. Charles P. J.Ownen and Frank de la Pole, "Int roduction to Nanotechnology ',Wiley India (2007) (for Unit 5)


1. Rajendran, 5, and Marikani A, 'Materials science'Tata McGraw HillPublications, (2004) New Delham.

2. Jayakumar, S. "Materials Science", R. K. Publishers, Coimbatore, (2008).

3. Palanisamy PK, "Materials Science", Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd.,Chennai, Second Edition (2007)

4. The Arumugam, "Materials Science" Anuradha Publications, Kumbakonam,(2006).

To download this click here

Monday, 6 February 2012

MA2161 Mathematics - II syllabus

The second semester syllabus for B.E, MA2161 Mathematics - II for Anna university chennai.This is to common for all the branches
To download this click here
Higher order linear dif ferential EQUATIONS with constant coefficients - Method ofvariation of parameters - Cauchy's and Legendre's LINEAR EQUATIONS - SimultaneousLINEAR EQUATIONS first order with constant coefficients.
UNIT II, ​​Vector Calculus 12
The Gradient Divergence and Curl - Directional derivative - irrotational and solenoidalvector fields - Vector integration - Green's theorem in a plane, Gauss divergencetheorem and Stokes' theorem (excluding proofs) - Simple applications involvingCubes and rectangular parallelpipeds.
Functions of a complex variable - Analytic functions - Necessary Conditions, the Cauchy- Riemann equation and Sufficient Conditions (excluding proofs) - Harmonic andOrthogonal properties of analytic function - Harmonic conjugate - Construction ofAnalytic functions - Conformal mapping: w = z + c, cz, 1 / z, and Bilinear Transformation.
Complex integration - S tatement and applications of Cauchy's integral theorem andCauchy's integral f ormula - Taylor and Laurent expansions - Singular points -Residues - Residue theorem - Application of residue theorem to Evaluate the lineintegrals - Unit circle and semi-circular contour (excluding poles is the boundaries).
UNIT V LAPLACE Transform 12
Laplace Transform - Conditions for Existence - Transform of elementary functions -Basic properties - Transform of derivatives and integrals - Transform of unit stepfunction and impulse functions - Transform of periodic functions.Definition of the inverse Laplace transform as contour integral - convolution theorem(Excluding proof) - Initial and Final value theorems - Solution of linear ODE ofUsing the second order with constant coefficients by Laplace transformation techniques.
1.RDBali N. P and Manish Goyal, "Text Book of  Engineering Mathematics", 3Edition, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD., (2008).
2.T h Grewal. B.S, "Higher Engineering Mathematics", 40Edition, KhannaPublications, Delhi (2007).
1.BV Ramana, "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Tata McGraw Hill PublishingCompany in New Delhi, (2007)
2. Glyn James, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 3Edition, PearsonEducation, (2007).
3. Erwin Kreyszig, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 7Edition, Wiley,India, (2007).RD4th Jain RK and Iyengar SRK, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 3Edition, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.., (2007)

To download this 

click here

Thursday, 2 February 2012


TANCET 2012TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test.For Tancet, the WHO ASPIRE Students to Enroll for MCA or MBA or M.Tech or ME, M.Arch or M.Plan Or can Apply for the test. The test is conducted at Various Centers through out our country by the Anna University.

TANCET 2012 Structure and Syllabus

TANCET MBA: The TANCET MBA Entrance Exam duration of 120 is minutes.This test will help to Evaluate the qualitied required for a candidate WHO aspire to do MBA.Syllabus for TANCET MBA: This test consists of sections FOLLOWING: Quantitative aptitude, Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency.

TANCET MCA: The MCA TANCET Entrance Exam of duration is 2 hours. This course is for the WHO guiding those students aspire to MCA courses.Tancet SyllabusThe MCA Question Paper HAS FOLLOWING PARTS: Reasoning, Basic Computer Knowledge,Quantitative Skills and Logical Thinking.The Entire test will have 100 multiple choice questions. Other than the subjects mentioned above there may be a few questions from Science or verbal skill etc.

TANCET ME / M.Tech, M.ArchTANCET ME / M.Plan / M.Tech. / M.Arch / (Non-GATE) Entrance Exam is alloted for about 2 hours. The paper consists of Three Sections. The first two parts are compulsory for all the students In the case of the third section can Choose candidates for their field of Specialization. Candidates have to select one from the 14 questions.Syllabus for Tancet M.EPart - I, Engineering and MathematicsCandidates have to answer 30 multiple choice questions under the.Part - II of Basic & Engineering SciencesIt consists of 45 multiple choice questions. Candidates have to answer 30 from them..25 For every incorrect answer, Marks will be Reduced. For every correct answer 1 mark will be given.Part III - SpecializationThis part consists of 14 questions from Different Areas like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, ETC. There are more than 40 questions in Each of the sections. Almost Candidates should answer 40 questions to qualify for the test. All the right answers will be given one mark and etch marks will be Reduced .25 for every wrong answer or if the answers are not correctly Shaded.

Eligibility for TANCETEligibility for TANCET MBA:Candidates guiding those who've completed for their Graduation in Any discipline or its equivalent are Eligible to Apply. They otherwise should have done this course from a Recognized University or Institute. Candidates who're doing for their final year at a tarpaulin, or are waiting for their results can apply. Guiding those who've done a diploma and graduation Both Apply CAN AS WELL.

Eligibility for TANCET MCA:The candidates should have done on their graduation or its equivalent in Any Field to Apply for this course. It must have Been Done from a Recognized University. They otherwise should have also Chosen for their Mathematics or Statistics in Plus Two or graduation or diploma courses.

Eligibility for TANCET M.E / M.Tech:Candidates should have completed on their bachelor's / master's degree or an equivalent. It should have Been Done in the Same Domain in Which the candidate wishes to do ME / M.Tech. M.Arch / M.Plan:

Candidates should have done for their bachelor's or master's course or its equivalent in the field of Architecture / Planning.

How to Apply for TANCET?

Candidates can purchase the TANCET Application Form Either by Person or by Post or through Online Registration. The Application Form Is The Same Three for the tests.Candidates have to submit Rs 300 / - as from an entrance fee. Guiding those belonging to SC or ST and are from Tamil Nadu have to par for Rs 150 / -. They otherwise are also required to submit a Community certificate. The fees are the same for the Entire test. If a student wishes to appeard for more than one test, Then He / She has to pay an additional fee for the test.

REGISTRATION: Mandarin WHO would like to purchase the Hall Tickets can personally visit Coordination Center with a Demand Draft or Cash. They otherwise should also submit a copy of a brand on their 10th.Important Dates for TANCET 2012Date of Entrance Exam: Last week, May, 2012Sale of Application Forms: last week in March, 2012Final Date for Submitting Application Forms are by the last week in April, 2012

Note: The Dates are not yet Confirmed by the board, we will update once it is revised for the 2012th