Tuesday, 31 December 2013

TNPSC Group I Notification 2014 for 79 vacancies

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is announced the Group I recruitment. The total vacancies for the post is 79. This is degree standard examination. The eligible candidates can apply for this before jan 28,2014. The Group I examination has preliminary exam followed by main exams. The candidates have to pass in all the exam for this recruitment. The overall cut for the Group I is 306 only .

Vacancy details

  1. Deputy Collector (Post Code: 1001) : 3
  2. Deputy Superintendent of  Police (Category – I)  (Post Code: 1002) : 33 
  3. Assistant Commissioner (C.T.) (Post Code:1003)   : 33 
  4. Assistant Director of Rural  Development Department  (Post Code: 1006)  : 10
Grade Pay:  Rs.15,600-39,100/- (PB3) + 5400/-G.P

Important date 

Date of Notification:  29.12.2013 
Last date for submission of applications :28.01.2014 
Last date for payment of Fee through Bank or Post Office :30.01.2014 
Date of Preliminary examination : 26.04.2014 (10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P .M. )

For more details :Official notification

click here for syllabus TNPSC Group I syllabus

Saturday, 28 December 2013

GATE 2014 Hall ticket download

The IIT conducts GATE exam every year. The exam schedule is announced and the hall ticket for the candidates are also announced now. The candidates can check their exam schedule at  Gate Exam Schedule 2014

The candidates can download their hall ticket by entering their enrollment number and their password at   Gate Admit Card download

Gate 2014 Exam schedule

The IIT is conducting the GATE( Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) exam every year for the purpose of post graduate degree and some companies like NLC,BHEL,IOCL etc are also expecting GATE score for their recruitment. So scoring marks in GATE is must for the students for their careers. The Exam schedule for the exam in announced now.

You can check the exam schedule at: Gate Exam Schedule  

Friday, 27 December 2013

TNPSC Group I Civil services exam notification 2014

The Tamil Nadu public Service Commission recently announced the notification for Group I Civil service exam 2014. Its having preliminary and written exams.

Important dates

Date of notification: 29-12-13
Last date : 28-1-14
Date of preliminary exam: 26-4-14

You can download the syllabus at : Updated syllabus for Group I Civil service exam 

The interested candidates can apply for this post at: Apply here           

TNPSC Group I civil services syllabus updated 2013-2014

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission recently updated the syllabus for Group I preliminary and main exam. The Group I exam is the degree standard exam and having 3 written exam. First, preliminary and 2 main exams. The syllabus for the exam is updated now. The interested candidates can apply for this from december 29,2013 to january 28,2014.

You can view the syllabus at,

You can download it at, Download it here
Monday, 23 December 2013

Diploma Results declared for october 2013

The Directorate of Technical Education declared the results for diploma for all departments. The candidates can check their results by entering their registration number and your scheme (K or J)

You can check your results at:


For more information contact us via Studentstrainer@gmail.com.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

EC 2304 Microprocessor and Microcontroller important 16 marks question question

The important 16 marks (part B) question for  Microprocessor  and Microcontroller  is downloadable here.

You can download it at

Microprocessor and Microcontroller important questions
Monday, 9 December 2013

GE 2022 Total Quality Management question bank download



1 . Define Quality .
2 . What are the dimensions of quality ?
3 . Why quality planning is needed ?
4 . What are the essential steps of planning quality ?
5 . Write down the Juran " s quality planning .
6 . What is the cost of quality ?
7 . List out the Different Quality Costs .
8 . Biệt Costs Between Appraisal and failure .
9 . What are prevention Costs ?
10 . What are hidden cost ?
11 . Write down the Objectives of quality cost evaluation .
12 . Define TQM TQM & frame .
13 . Write down the basic concepts of TQM .
( What are the elements of TQM )
14 . What are the popular awards for quality ?
15 . List out the do Indian companies won the Deming award .
16 . Who are the Gurus quality ? Among them who trained Japanese CEO after the second world war ?
17 . Define Leadership . What are the Principles of Leadership ?
18 . What is quality council ?
19 . What are the DUTIES of quality council ?
20 . What statement is quality ? Give example for each .
21 . Write down Deming " s 14 points .
22 . What are the Barriers to TQM Implementation ?
23 . What is the role of senior management ?
24 . What is Strategic Planning ?
25 . Why is it difficult to change organization culture ?

Part - B
1.a. Write down the dimensions of quality with example .
1. b . DUTIES enumerate the quality of council .
2 . Explain Deming " s 14 points for Improving Quality , Productivity and Competitiveness .
3.a. What Are The consumer prescriptions on quality ?
3.b . Explain quality planning ?
4 . Explain in detail the cost of quality .
5 . Discuss about the basic concepts and Principles of TQM ?
6.a. Discuss the Importance of Leadership .
b . What are the Barriers for TQM Implementation ?
7 . What is the role of senior management ?
8 . Describe the steps in Strategic planning INVOLVED .

PART - A TQM Principles
1 . Draw a TQM framework.
2 . Why are customer complaints Important ?
3 . What is customer satisfaction ?
4 . Biệt Between Internal and External Customers ?
5 . List out the prescription of quality customer
6 . Why is Customer Retention Important ?
7 . What is đặt by motivation ?
8 . Write down the need for empowerment ? What are the benefits ?
9 . Why is teamwork required ?
10 . What is the role of team leader ?
11 . What is the role facilitator ?
12 . What are the Barriers to team progress ?
13 . Write about recognition and reward .
14 . Conducted Why is Performance Appraisal ?
15 . Write about Involvement management .
16 . Write about Employee Involvement .
17 . Why is continuous improvement process required ?
18 . What is Juran " s Trilogy ?
19 . What is PDSA cycle ?
20 . Write about 5S
21 . Biệt the between the Kaizen and Kairyo .
22 . Why is customer - supplier partnership required ?
23 . Classify the sources of supplier .
24 . What is performance measure ?
25 . Mention the categories for đó Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award given ?

1 . Explain sau Treated Important things are :
i . Customer satisfaction
ii . Customer complaints
iii . Service quality
iv . Customer retention
2 . a. Describe Employee Involvement and empowerment
2 . b.Why are " Performance Appraisal " and " recognition and reward " are needed ?
3.a. What are the various teams ? Explain .
3.b . Explain the role and Responsibility of stamps leader and facilitator .
4 . Explain Juran " s Trilogy .
5 . Explian : i . 5S concept ii . Kaizen iii . Supplier selection iv . Relationship development
6 . Describe in detail the performance measure .
7 . Describe the Moslow " s need hierarchy theory and Herzberg " s two factor theory for motivation .

UNIT III Statistical Process Control ( SPC ) 
1 . List out the Seven Tools of quality .
2 . What is Pareto diagram ?
3 . Draw a Cause and Effect diagram .
4 . Draw the sample diagrams for the sau :
i . graph
ii . Histogram
iii . Scatter diagram
iv . Check sheet
5 . Define : Mean , Median and Mode .
6 . Define : Range and Standard Deviation .
7 . What are the Measures of Central Tendency and dispersion ?
8 . What do you mean by population and sample ?
9 . What is control chart ?
10 . What is Called control charts for variables ?
11 . What is Called Control chart for attributes ?
12 . Biệt between " defect " and " defective " ?
13 . Write down Control limits for i . P chart ii . iii.c np chart chart chart & iv.u
14 . Give example for p and np charts
15 . Give example for c and u charts
16 . Define process capability
17 . What is the process capability index ?
18 . Write down the steps for calculating the process capability index
19 . What is Six Sigma ?
20 . What are the stages of six sigma ?
21 . What are the new seven tools of quality management ?
22 . What is affinity diagram ?
23 . What is the use of relationship diagram ?
24 . When do we use tree diagram ?
25 . What is the matrix diagram ?
26 . What is use of PDPC ?
27 . What is arrow diagram ?
28 . What is data analysis matrix diagram ?

1.Explain the seven tools of quality
2.How the Pareto analysis done ?
3.How with example explain cause and effect diagram is constructed ? Discuss in detail with a case study .
4 . a. Discuss the properties of the normal curve .
4 . b What are the cental Tendency and Measures of dispersion ?
5 . Describe the control charts for variables and attributes .
6 . Describe the control charts for defects or non - conformities
7 . Describe the concept of process capability analysis six - sigma .
8 . Discuss about the new seven tools of quality management .
9 . Draw the general structure of " house of quality" and indicate the constituents .
10 . Explain with example how affinity and relation diagrams are used .
11 . Explain with examples how tree and arrow diagrams are used .
12 . Explain with examples how Matrix Matrix diagrams and data analysis methods are used .
13 . Describe with suitable examples how the method and affinity diagram PDPC are used . 1401 MG 
Sunday, 8 December 2013

RRB Bilaspur results declared for Junior Account Assistant and Sr. Clerk cum typist

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Bilaspur, Patna has released the results for the Junior Account Assistant and Sr. Clerk cum typist  exams held on august 2013 all over the India. The Results are declared for Junior Account Assistant and Sr. Clerk cum typist  now and the roll number for the shortlisted candidates are available at:

Junior Account Assistant and Sr. Clerk cum typist Results

The typing exam schedule for the selected candidates are available at

Typing exam schedule

Check here for  Assistant Station Master(ASM) results
Saturday, 7 December 2013

RRB Bilaspur results declared for Assistant Station Master (ASM)

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Bilaspur, Patna has released the results for the   Assistant Station Master  exams held on august 2013 all over the India. The Results are declared for Assistant Station Master(ASM) and the roll number of the selected candidates are  available at:

Assistant Station Master(ASM) results

Official notifications

The apptitude exam for the shorlisted candidates will be held on december 21-31,2013

For more information contact us via Studentstrainer@gmail.com.